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           I'm here when I don't want to.  Looking at the hardest thing. It's a monster , but what makes it worse is that this monster is all my regrets, hate, fear, jealousy, anger, and sadness. I can't help it, It's what we as humans feel.

Don't bottle it up fight it and don't consider yourself unworthy for you aren't. You are loved. You have hope even if it doesn't look like it is there.

The beast charges at me full power. I won't give in  this is the first attack out of many. I do what I must with my sword in hand I feel a little bit more confident than before. I can feel it boiling up and let it go. The creature charges at me from behind horns as sharp as spears shinning in the light. Right before I was going to thrust my sword into its foreleg it leaped over me sprouting wings and flew away beyond my extended arm's reach.

This will be hard battling your feelings to keep them locked up but don't do that. We are human we have emotions that make us feel alone, but we aren't alone.

I jump up, but fail to reach it. The creature flew down and impaled me with its horn and then throws me aside. I slam into the ground feeling my arms snap as the creature lands on me. It's claws on either side of me. The beast screeched in my face. Soon after it got off roaring in pain. A orb flies at me I brace myself waiting for the impact crying not wanting to be hurt anymore.

Like I said you will never be alone no matter what you do there will always be someone to lend a hand for you. There will be help no matter what form it's in there will be a helping hand that is always ALWAYS there for you no matter what it is that you are dealing with.

 The orb floats in front of me. It's light embracing me as all the pain I ever felt starts to fade. I look down and the hole in my stomach starts to fade slowly. The orb then turns into a friend.

"I am here to help. Let me, Please." This friend hugs me and then turns into one wing soon after another orb says the same and then turns into another wing they pick me up. The creature looks at me terrified as more and more orbs come giving me armor and soon enough an army helping me. I tear up just thinking that I AM loved no matter what I think I now know that there are people who will slow down and who WILL stop just to help me up.

Fear of being alone is natural, but we have always had someone on our side. This life is full of misfortune and pain but your strength combined with your friend's and family's love and strength will combine with you making you much stronger than your own self.

I feel power and love passing through me. I now look as every orb that ever entered this place is helping in some way either protecting me or actually fighting the beast. Soon enough the beast is on the ground with my foot on it's head. I end it with one swing as it shatters. It is over for now, but I know that this creature will be back and I will have help like this time I just need to call out to others.

This is how it will be. You will have the problem fixed and then it will come back for revenge. I know help will be near, but reaching out is the first step. Oh I know that it can be hard to ask for help. We're all like little preschoolers that want to do everything ourselves, but it doesn't work that way we need to just accept  it and take the help when we need it. That will make you strong mentally and physically that is what we all need. I can't say it enough even I will do the same so just take it. YOU CAN DO THIS WITH HELP!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2016 ⏰

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