Nightmares and Dreams

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Y/N's P.O.V
"WhY dO yOu TrY?" Yelled a demonic voice. "YoU kNoW tHaT yOu CaN't KeEp Me HiDdEn FoReVeR! I wIlL cOmE fOr YoU! I hAvE aN aRmY! YoU cAn'T bEaT mE! YoU wIlL aLwAyS lOsE!"

"I have friends and family! They will help me! I beat you once! And I can beat you again!" I yelled into the darkness. A tall figure came out of the darkness. "Shadow Lord! You won't win! You cant control me or my friends!"

He smirked and looked at me. "Oh! I cAn'T cOnTrOl YoU! bUt I cAn CoNtRoL tHaT fRiEnD oF yOuRs! WhAt WaS hIs NaMe AgAiN? LaUrEnCe!"

I looked at him in horror. "No you can't!"

"Oh BuT i WoN't Be ThE oNe HaRmInG hIm! It WilL bE yOu My SwEeT cHiLd!" He laughed. I started to heat up with anger. I started to run after him. Then Laurence appeared with chains all on his body.

"L-Laurence?! Don't you dare hurt him!" I yelled. I then felt suddenly overwhelmed.

"I tOlD yOu ChIlD! I'm NoT gOnNa HuRt HiM! BuT yOu ArE!!" He said starting to laugh. I then felt my mind turning on me.

"Stop! GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!" I sat on my knees on the ground putting my hands on my head.

"Do it! Kill him! You must! Kill him now!" Hissed a deep voice in my head. I looked up still holding my head and saw all my friends wrapped in chains like Laurence was. "Got ahead! Kill them all! They don't deserve to be alive! Come on! Kill them! You know it's the right thing to do! Kill them now! You know you can't fight it!"

"NO! I WONT KILL THEM!! THERE MY FRIENDS!" I yelled trying to deny the voice. It was almost taking over my mind. Then it took over. I turned into my Shadow Wolf form and pulled out a red and black shadow sword. It was long and sharp ready to destroy anything it touches. I had lost control. My whole body was covered in red and black Shadow Knight armor. I lunged at Laurence and-

My eyes opened and I had woke up to my head pounding. I felt like I was just hit with a wrecking ball. I looked around and found myself at a small hidden campsite. There was a small fire, a few dead twigs laying on the ground, and the sleeping bag I laid on. I sat up and noticed a small river near the campsite. I got on my feet and walked over to the river. I knelt down and cupped my hands to get some water. I drank it and it made me feel a little better from that pounding headache of mine. I noticed my reflection in the water. I looked at it and looked at myself. I imagined my parents standing next to me. Then the image faded and instead of my parents that I saw I saw a man. I turned around hand on my sword.

"Whoa. Relax I'm not going to harm you. I just wanted to talk to you." He said. He wore a black jacket with a hood and a red bandana over his eyes. How could he see out of that? The last thing I noticed about this man is that he had no shirt at all on his body just the black hooded jacket.

"Are you the one who brought me here?" I asked relaxing my hand.

"Yes. I am the one who made this little hidden campsite." He said and without another word we walked back over to the campsite and sat down in the dirt. "I've known you for a long time. Longer than you would know...."

I looked at him curious at who he actually was. He looked at me then stood up. "But now isn't the time for backstories! We must be heading back to Phoenix Drop. People must be worried about you."

He got some water in a bottle and splashed it on the fire. It distinguished in an instant. Then he lead me carefully through the woods. We were both silent not saying a word to each other. I followed close behind him wondering who he was. And how he knew me.

~Shadows~ {A Reader X MCD Guys}Where stories live. Discover now