Chapter 1

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He stared out the plane window, gazing intently at the clouds as they rose up into the sky. He was slightly nervous about flying, but he knew in his heart that his destination would be worth the journey. Jonas had always been a secluded person, finding joy in being alone at home, playing video games or spending time with his dog. But this time, he was certainly up for adventure. He had left his family behind, old enough for trying new things on his own, after just graduating from college. He enjoyed it a lot, having met several new interesting people that had a lot in common with him, but he missed the friends he had in high school nevertheless, and was anxious about his future. The sun was setting, (at least he thought), and gave the clouds a yellow glow. Once he had gotten settled in his seat, he turned towards the front and decided to watch a movie. But as his eyes glanced toward the screen, he turned to the seat next to him, noticing a beautiful woman that he hadn't noticed before. She had curly dark blonde hair and rouged lips, a serious but kind look in her face. She looked like a business woman; a briefcase was shoved under the seat in front of her. Jonas smiled to himself; he thought she was beautiful. He turned back to his tv, too nervous to engage in conversation. He put on his headphones, selecting a game of thrones episode and sitting back casually. After more than enough episodes, he was interrupted by the flight attendant's offer of the inflight meal. The woman next to him smiled as she received her meal, and he reached over her to receive his, making eye contact and awkwardly smiling with her. He wanted to talk to her, but didn't know what to say. He opened his meal and just as he was about to take a bite, the woman spoke.
"These are some pretty shitty crackers amiright?" Jonas was taken aback by this, expecting some Snow White shit to come out of her mouth.
"Uh...yes, yes they are. I suppose that's the kind of crackers people in Denmark enjoy these days." Jonas tried horribly to make conversation, but failed as she didn't react to his boring comment. He tried again, anxious.
"So...what brings you to Denmark?" He asked, desperately trying to make a connection with her.
"Oh just business," she said curtly, obviously not interested in Jonas' manly charms. Persistent, he offered his hand and said, "My name's Jonas. Jonas Shmoliver." She looked at him with wide eyes and then started hysterically laughing, grabbing the attention of the other passengers.
"JONAS! HAAHAHAHAHAHA HOLY JESUS!" She slapped her knee, lost in laughter, leaving Jonas to stare awkwardly, unsure as to what was happening.
" there a problem?" He said, confused.
"IT'S ELISE! ELISE BURGOIS!" She yelled, still in a laughing fit. A sudden feeling of "oh my gosh" washed over Jonas, and he was unable to speak until she had finished laughing.
"You didn't recognize me, did you? YOU WERE TRYING TO HIT ON ME! HAHAHAHHA," she started laughing again, amused by the fact that this man who she had known since they were little couldn't have recognized her.
"Hi is awkward..." He said, as he had known her for years and never saw her as a potential romantic partner.
"Hell yeah it is. Well I'm gonna get some sleep, we can catch up when we land." She put her head down on her fold up table, moving her food tray onto Jonas'. Jonas was in shock, highly embarrassed about his mistake. He thought it would be best to get some sleep as well, and so he waited for the attendants to collect their trash and he fell into a deep slumber, trying to erase the sexual attraction he had towards his childhood friend.

"Sir. Sir! Please wake up." Jonas awoke to someone tapping gently on his shoulder. When he opened his eyes he saw it was a flight attendant, and the rest of the passengers were gone. He leaped up, grabbing his bag and dashing out of the plane yelling a muddled "sorry" back at the aircraft staff. He rushed out into the airport to claim his luggage, found his matching bag, then searched for Elise. Although he regretted his romantic advances, he still did want to catch up with an old friend. She was nowhere to be found. He ran to the coffee place, expecting her to be there due to her love of caffeine. Then he checked the gift shop, still nowhere to be found, and the restaurant, where he decided to stay because of his grumbling stomach. His carry on bag had his wallet in it, so he scrambled to retrieve it while he waited in line. He grabbed the small leather square and picked out a delicious breakfast comprised of pastries, bacon, and fruit. He reached the cashier, who gave him his total, and he opened up his wallet, reaching for money. There was nothing there. His bank card was gone, his credit card gone, and there was no cash in it whatsoever.
"Erm, hold on a second," he said to the Danish cashier, anxiously checking his pockets for something, anything, he could use to pay. The cashier was getting impatient and so were the several tired, hungry people behind him.
"Uh, I'll come back," Jonas said, mortified and nervous. He sat down at a table and further inspected his wallet. There was a small piece of paper in the place for his cash, folded up. He unfolded it, and read it with shock in his face. It read: "Real nice to catch up with you Jonas! -EB"
"That bitch took my money!" He muttered, absolutely angry. He did, however, have 50 dollars hidden in his suitcase, which could hopefully get him some breakfast and to his hotel so he could figure things out. He couldn't believe it. He quickly purchased a croissant and called for a cab, reaching his hotel and glad he had prepaid. He went up to his room, stashed his stuff on the floor, and fell on the bed, exhausted by the day's events. He was only disturbed by a flamboyant sing-song voice.
"Housekeeepinnngggg!!!!" It sounded like a drag queen and he was absolutely confused. He sluggishly rose up and went to the door, opening it to find a man leaning against the doorframe, seductively smiling.
"Did you miss me?"

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