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I woke up in the morning with a smile on my face. Vincent is back and very much alive.

I skipped downstairs and saw Zalia. The last time i saw her was before she left for her first date with Maeson Deriks, her crush since I introduced her to the gang last year when I joined this foster home.

"Good morning happy feet." Zalia chipped with a massive smile on her face.

"What happened last night that you look like you put on a smiling sticker on your face." I said as I smirked. She tried to glare at me , keyword being 'tried', but she was to happy to not smile or blush.

"Maeson asked me to be his girlfriend." She said and I frowned.

"Is there something wrong ,Artimes?" She asked me and I nodded.

"Dating someone in the gang is very dangerous ,Zalia." I warned.

"Then why are you dating Vincent if he is in the gang." She said.

"That's different Z and you know it." I said with a frowned face.

"How?" She asked.

"I am part of the gang too." I said.

"I understand, I need to break up with him." She said and my confident expression fell.

"Not gonna let you do that, all I am saying is that you need to be safe with this relationships." I said and she smiled brightly once more.

"I will do ." She said and got up before leaving.

I got on my phone and decided to call Vince, I really missed him.

"Mmm ?" He hummed into the phone. Was he sleeping?

"Hey Vince, did I wake you up?" I asked and bit my lip.

"No my mom just woke me up." He said and I smiled.

"Okay want to come over?" I asked.

"Okay will be there now." He said and hung up.

"Z , Vince is coming want to invite Maeson!" I shouted to Zalia from downstairs.

"Sure!" She shouted and then the doorbell rang. Wow Vincent is here quick. He must really want to hang out.

"I will get it!" I shouted.

I walk to my front door and open it to reveal amazing blue eyes.

"Can we talk?" He said and walked in.

"Sure just come in Jayce." I said sarcastically.

"No time for sarcasm." He said and I nodded in a understanding manner.

"What got you so upset?" I asked.

"You." He said and pointed his finger at me.

"First of all pointing is mean and secondly what the hell did I do this time?" I asked with anger. I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Your stuck up and bossy." He said.

"Really why is that?" I challenged him to continue.

"You know exactly why Artimes." He hissed at me. I stated at him in confusion. What did I do?

"No I actually don't." I spat at him.

"You know what I give up enjoy your life Artimes, forget me and forget that I even felt something for you." He said and swung the door open before walking out. I stormed out after him.

"What the hell did I do?" I shouted.

"You kno-" he started but I inturrupted because I knew what he was going to say.

"Shut up and tell me what the hell I did to piss you off Jayce." I hissed at him.

I slapped him and he looked taken back.

"It hurts to even say Artimes. It hurts way worse than your slaps." He said while holding his cheek.

"Just spill Jayce." I said with my voice softening slightly.

"Okay you-" he began and then I felt a pain in my side. My vision was blurry but I could see that I was in the ground. My eyes shut and it was dark.

"ARTIMES!" Was the last thing I heard before I was out.

Ohhh what happened to Artimes.

What do you think it is?

A gun ?
A car?
A punch?

I hope you like this book.



Kindrajoy 😉

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