Chapter 5

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He was a loyal ally unlike Info-chan but for now on she had to be wearily of any ally no matter how loyal they were. She smiles darkly at Budo as she pets his soft charcoal hair.

"You're defending a monster...Budo-kun."


Budo lets out a big yawn and sits up from where he was laying down, he doesn't remember going to sleep last night but judging by the uncomfortable back aches he kept feeling it was obvious that he dozed off on the couch. With eyes still closed he stretches his arms and legs until he heard his bones snap into place. Budo lets out another another yawn before he slowly opens his charcoal eyes. He suddenly felt his stomach swallow into a painful twist and immediately the sleepiness bounced right off of him.


Everywhere was red, dark red to fresh red splattered all over the room like someone threw a bucket of red paint all over the walls. Budo immediately gets off from the couch, he was desperately trying to process what was going on but he was rooted to the ground staring at the red that coated all over his living room. He swear he could see visible chucks in it here and there. Slowly, he outstretches his shaking arm towards the mysterious red and touches it was his index finger he then quickly draws his arm back and slowly inspects it by rubbing it together with his thumb and index finger. The substance was thick and very...fresh.

"...Is...this...?" No, he didn't want to believe it, was it possible someone broke into the house and pulled a prank on him or was it more darker than that? His thoughts were suddenly interrupted as a shred of realization came over him.

Where is...Aishi-san..!?

His heart quicken and waves of anxiety almost knocked his body over. As if to confirm his worried thoughts he heard an audible, blood gurgling, shriek. "AHHH, PLEASE...NO...STOP!!!!" As if on cue Budo's adrenaline skyrocketed as he immediately glances down the hallway at the room Ayano was staying in, his room. Budo dashes down the hallway as fast as he could, millions and millions of thoughts were running through his head but they were drowning out as if he was suddenly going deaf. The only noise he could hear was the long beep noise you would hear if a bomb was set off right next to you. But faintly, he could only hear one voice.

"You're defending a monster."

"You're defending a monster."


Budo shakes his head at the persisting voice. It grew louder and louder after every sentence until his ear drums were ringing with the intensity. He soon realizes that he should of been at the door by now he looks up to see that his bedroom door was drawing farther away as he ran towards it. Budo's eyes widen as he pushes himself harder to reach the door, his legs were getting tired but just knowing Ayano was in danger made him determined to get to her. The voices persist as if picking up on his sudden determination, but this time they sounded like...Ayano's voice now.

"You wouldn't want to be friends...." The voice murmurs lowly.

Budo shakes his head, his legs were beginning to feel uncomfortably numb.

"...With a monster like me."

"You're defending a monster."


"Damn it, Ayano you know that's not true!!" Budo yells at the voice, suddenly he felt his hand reach the golden doorknob of his bedroom. He was panting and wheezing in air he had breathed in too rapidly during the run. He finally made it to the door and just thinking about what's behind it made his chest hurt. He slowly turns the door knob before hearing one last voice.

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