Chapter Three - Part 1

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China Lake Military Research Facility

Death Valley, California

3 March 2020 - Dusk

      Fearing sunstroke and heat exhaustion, Spinnaker took a shallow swig from his canvas covered canteen. The warm water hit his lips then slid down his throat, uncomfortable yet quenching his thirst. He screwed the cap back on and slid the bottle home in the pouch on his hip, standing to the side of the line and looking back at the spaced out line of his Marines; some wishing that they could have the same warm drink of water that he had and regretting drinking all of their water already.

      Though it was only a few miles to the research base, Spinnaker gave strict orders that all squads be well distanced and that everyone hit the dirt every time something flew over. He hadn’t seen any more of the delta shaped craft that buzzed their convoy on the highway earlier, but his time in Eastern Europe taught him that it was always better to be safe; however, being safe took time and thus made their short walk into a hike worth many hours and the heavy weight of their gear caused the soldiers to suffer from the heat even more.

      Esposito passed him, leading his new squad with pride, but it didn’t take a genius to see the man had a lot of fear in his eyes. Hell, he probably had the same amount of fear, if not more. Fear of what was going on in Los Angeles, fear for what was going to happen to the whole planet, fear for what the future held for him, his Marines, the entire Human race. But most of all, Edward, the man and not the combat hardened Marine, was worried about his wife who lived on base. On the surface he knew that she was probably dead, if the Druidth did attack then it made perfect sense that the first places that would be hit are military bases, but deep down he held on to the slightest glimmer of hope that she was okay.

      Normally, Esposito would be following behind the Staff Sargent but Spinnaker knew that most of the men in his platoon were inexperienced and when the shooting started he wanted someone who had been there before and knew what to do instinctively. So he ran the idea by Blithe who vehemently agreed and the squads were carved up, resulting in some interesting combinations but guaranteeing at least one combat veteran in each.

      “All I’m saying is that our guys are dead because of those blue eyed freaks,” One on the Marines in Esposito’s squad was saying as he walked passed.

      His friend was arguing good-naturedly.  “Dude, their eyes are purple. And didn’t you try to sleep with one?”

      “That’s not my point,” The first one said, his name patch read Grimes. “Because we had to come out here to lend ‘aid’ we were away from base and now we can’t kick ass. So my question is: why do we always have to lend aid?”

      “Because we’re America, it’s what we do,” Spinnaker said.

      The two Marines stopped. “But sir,” Grimes started. “Two hundred Marines died protecting them…”

      Very slowly Spinnaker asked, “Did you personally know any of the men who died, Private?”

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