A little

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To the sound of boiling coffee pouring into a thermos and keys shuffling, everything seems to have started like any other morning.

After double checking the stove and carefully close all the lights, Jeonghan directed his feet towards the door with a heavy heart.

Not that he didn't like the job itself, in fact, like Minhyun hyung said, he never seems to get tired of children anyway.

The source of discomfort lays that small piece of paper brushing against his skin inside his jeans pocket with an address messily scrambled situated in


The area of Seoul regrouping most elites and the wealthiest of the country. A place envied by all, yet despite by him.

Jeonghan didn't hate rich people, in fact he came from a quite wealthy background when he was younger, yet having dealt and seen enough kids to conclude the amount of capital in a family is often exponential proportional to how spoiled their child might be.

If it was any other employer that asked him to work in that region, Jeonghan would have ran away from it like pest no matter how many bills it will help to pay, but the request was called from one of his close college senior that ask him making it impossible to refuse.

He hopped into the early morning bus and took a place on the empty seat next to the window before glancing at the changing landscape. The growingly familiar view full of estates of wild and luxurious architecture with the most exotic gardens and immense pools uncontrollably guided his thoughts back those days where the most elaborate parties were hold with the finest food and the diamonds and precious stones decorating elegantly on silk dresses. The crystal chandeliers hanging on the tall ceiling was illuminating the rooms so brightly, one could almost have mistaken it as the sun and it was all so perfect it almost seemed if the scene could last endlessly...

But it is now all only a distant past which he refused to look back, after he has pushed everyone away except a few.

Jeonghan shook his head and tried to clear his mind, he should focus on the task in hand instead of drowning in nostalgia.

After a fifteen minutes' ride, he finally arrived.

Jeonghan almost wanted to retract his feet back to the already moving vehicle at the sight of even more extravagant structures and mentally scoffed at those mansions that meant nothing more than useless fanfare to him now and headed directly to his destination without second glance.
It didn't take him long to find the two story house in question. It was more on the simple and clean side than the ones around it, yet warmer and more welcoming with its stone wall, many large windows permitting natural light to permeate through and a low-pitched roof shielding its owners.

The place looked far more lively, like one that is meant to be built for a family, unlike those simple display wealth and power surrounding it.

The corners of his lips can't help but raise at the sight of such lovely house and his heart finally lightened up a little. Jeonghan took a finale deep breath before ringing the bell.
Running footsteps could be heard and soon the door opened as a little head peeked up from it and revealed a child who is not estrange to him at all.
"Oh! Jeonghan hyung!" Chan happily exclaimed towards the the newcomer, before asking with curious big eyes "Why are you here?"

The fear he had all matinee about the kid he will be nursing being spoiled has dissipated in a blink of eye. He let out a sigh of relief and cheerful greet him back, clearly happy that he could even use this occasion to get closer to that shy boy and open him up more to the other kids! It was the best of both worlds! Until it took him a second for his excitement to fade away and realize that if Chan is here, it also means...
"Chan, who is at the door?"
That husky and low voice that has been haunting him for the whole week resonated from inside made his blood run cold.
Fight or flee instinct hits leading him to internally debate whether it would be alright to leave Chan there and just run away.

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