If you wanna join the party

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Kellin's POV
I look out the window, smiling, and wave goodbye to my parents. my mom blows me a kiss and I cringe a little. My eyes trail behind their car as they leave the long driveway. As soon as they're out of my sight, I close the curtains, cross the room and run down the stairs, grinning at one of the maids on the stairs. She rolls her eyes at me and continues her way up the stairs with a basket of laundry. Once I reach the bottom of the stairs I look in every room until I come to one of the guest rooms, where the head maid is dusting some furniture.

"Hey Juuulie?", I ask, dragging her name out.

"Yes Kellin?", she answers back.

I smile innocently at her,"you can tell all the other maids they can go home early tonight and don't have to come to work tomorrow until 12. full pay."

She chuckles,"Ok Kellin, don't drink too much alcohol."

Of course she knows what I'm up to, she's been here since before the day I was born.

"Alright, I'll try." I wink.

~after they leave~

I pull my phone out and text the group chat with all my best friends, which we simply named Fuck.

me>Hey dudes. My parents aren't home. I'm having a party, invite everyone. starts at 9

(a/n Oli is always the bad guy so this time I'm going to make him the good guy haha)

Oli<Hell yeah. Will do


Gabe<what he said^



Andy<Fuck yeah man.

Austin<of course.

I grin and put my phone in my back pocket. I walk down another flight of stairs and go directly to the kitchen. I check the time. 6:48. I still have a fuck ton of time but whatever, I can get ready early.

I go to the alcohol cabinet and unlock it with the hidden key. I slowly open it all the way and stare at all it's glory. There's so many bottles and boxes and fancy glasses, I can't even comprehend it. I grab a few boxes of beer out and set them on the counter. Then I take out a generous amount of whiskey, tequila, and vodka, but of course, not enough that they would notice when they got back, which would be in like, 4 day.

I check back in the cabinet for shot glasses. shit. we only have the fragile glass ones. I run back upstairs and grab some random car keys. I lock the front door and open the garage. I go to the very end of the row of cars and unlock the car that the key goes with. I jump in and start the car.

I back it out of the garage and speed off to the store. I get out and lock the doors and pull up my hood. Nobody needs to know I'm a Bostwick. I walk inside and grab some plastic shot glasses and plastic cups. I walk around for a little bit and grab some candy and popcorn.

~man behind the counter's POV~

I watch the boy from a distance, keeping an eye on him because he has a hood on and he looks suspicious, my finger on the silent alarm button underneath the counter.

Romeo & Juliet {a Kellic AU}Where stories live. Discover now