Angry moose jumps scared Russian man and Eyebrows

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A/N: Short writing prompt where Mathew is very overprotective towards Alfred and makes that frighteningly apparent.

(Usuk and Rusame is implied) OneShot.

Mathew: *Angrily kicks Alfred's door open and sniffs the air for prey like a wild beast ready to pounce*

Alfred: *Casually smiles and waves from the living room currently gaming it*

Alfred: Oh hey, Mattie! You're here early! what's up?

Mathew: *Steps on in and sniffs the air in the room further, scowling in distaste*

Alfred: ....

Alfred: What are you doing?

Mathew: *Abruptly pauses on the spot then rushes towards alfred, sniffing his person to his brother's dismay*

Alfred: Mathew! What has gotten into you, dude!?? Not cool!

Mathew: *Deeply inhales the scent on alfreds neck and glares at it as if it were something to actually glare at*

Mathew: *Growls* Arthur...

Alfred: Huh?...

Mathew: *Sniffs some more*

Mathew: ...

Mathew: Ivan...

Alfred: *Starts to freak out and fluster a bit*

Alfred: Uuuuh.. I'm not so sure on what you're up to there, but um.. it's making me uncomfortable

Mathew: *Pulls away and looks around the room in silence*

Alfred: ... *Internally screaming*


Alfred: ....

Mathew: ...

Alfred: ...

Mathew: ...

*Shuffling in nearby closet*

Mathew: *Quickly snaps his head a full 180 degrees while Alfred sits there in horror with a "WTF" look on his face because how did he just do that and not die holy shit his brother is a demon*

Mathew: ...

Alfred: ...

*More shuffling in closet*

*Inaudible angry and scared shitless whispering*

Ivan: You going out there with Matheu and Amerika

Arthur: What?? Me??? Don't be rediculous! I don't have a death wish!

Ivan: Da, I do not wish to have Mattie's teeth grind my flesh into bloody shreds either

*Shoving noises*

Arthur: W-what are you doing?!! *Begining to panic*

Ivan: You must go out there and distract Matheu as I run for my life. Taking one for team, yes?

Ivan: *Continues shoving Arthur out of the closet*

Arthur: Are you bloody insane?! I'm not going out there and be expected to face THAT MONSTROSITY! Why won't you do that? You've prevented a tank from crushing you with your BARE HANDS for gods sake!

Ivan: Yes, that much is true but in comparison Matheu is more scary than tank

Arthur: How so???

Ivan: Tank is not possesed by demon ^J^"

Arthur: *Distressed British noises*

*Continued arguing*

Alfred: ...

Mathew: *Opens closet door to Ivan shoving a scared Arthur out of the closet*

Mathew: Hello boys

Arthur and Ivan: scrEEEAcH!!!

Alfred and Mathew come as a packageWhere stories live. Discover now