An Everyday Affair

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I watch him stride into the room. Each step he takes seems to flow into place, ever so perfectly. He started rambling off a highly scientific deduction of everything going on. I don't hear it, I can only concentrate on his low, silky, baritone voice. Everytime he speaks, even though fast and nonsense, it has a somewhat melodic tone. His words were planes, moving by so fast I couldn't understand any of them. He stops talking and glances at me, I get a view of his eyes. they were gorgeous. They twisted and swirled like an ocean inside a forest. Their colour was like a green, but with more dimensions. Most of all they were beautiful. He leaned in and whispered in my ear, "Vatican Cameos". It was our code, I had to stop day-dreaming. Vatican Cameos...battlestations. Someone's gonna die. We ran out the door, never stopping to think what we were in for...and I loved it, every brief and exaggerated moment. As long as it's with him, I'm happy. He's all I've got, my best friend, my Sherlock.

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