Thats whats wronge with me...(romance)

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It was a typical day in my English II class, sophmore year of high school. I was sitting in my desk, disappointed in myself. It was about five weeks into the school year and I only made three aquaintances. I didn't expect things to get better, until he stepped into the room. He had this undescribable effect on her. I saw him and saw absolute perfection. I was amazed by him. The details of his being adding up to create this god like person. He sat the only empty desk. The one that directly faced me. I looked up with an amazed look on my face and when he looked back at me his eyes held such a look of curiousity and beauty it was highly intimidating. I flinched down and my cheeks flushed. Then the teacher said the magic words(that lead to the beginning of the beautiful love between the angel and the demon). "group work, you must work with the people at your table." Then he talked to me. It was small talk, of course, nothing other than the english work. Then he complimented me on my shirt and we started laughing together about the other people in the room. We were good friends from the start. We talked about our different opinions and how we both agreed that judgement was overratted. He brought me to his drama club and i fell in love with it. I liked talking in front of people and realized that i wanted be this person he was showing me I was. He walked with me around the neighborhood i grew up in. He walked me almost all the way home and carried my books even though i told him it wasn't necessary. At the corner he told me by and asked me what i was doing friday, the day of the dance. I told him i didn't know. He said ok and we started walking away from each other but as we did we both looked back at each other at the same time. I was happy for once. Not stuck in fake life drawn by the protective lines of my parents. The next day in class he passed me a note that said' "Would it be weird if i said i like you?" I replied with," IDK would it be weird if I said I liked you?" Then he smiled this beautiful smile and his eyes held so much emotion from me that i nearly cryed tears of joy. After drama club and held my hands in his and pulled me close and looked at me with those eyes and asked me if I'd go out with him and go to the dance. We fell for each other than. At the dance i danced like I'd never thought i could in public and left with his kisses on my neck. He broke my heart the following monday and then begged me back a month later. I took him back. We were close and i didnt think I'd ever leave him. Days later rumors swarm that said he was put in a mental hospital. I cryed every night he was gone hoping he's return. I waited a two weeks for him until he returned. He denid being in a crazy house rather a hospital. I didnt know whether to believe him or not but i didn't care because I had him now. In the following weekend I gave my everything to him. I told him he was my half and love. He always would be. I fell asleep in him arms as he mumbled about marriage and the next day watched him as he slept. He was so beautiful, so perfect. I decided then that no matter what happened between us I'd always love him and I'd do anything for him. About two weeks later he left me utterly heartbroken to this day. I remember the memories between us everyday and I will never forget you, even through the worst and most painful times, I will never stop loving you. I don't know if I'll ever move on.Thanks for showing me what love is and more importantly thanks for showing me how decieving some people can be</3 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2011 ⏰

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