A/N: some point hunter mom (christine) and jasmine mom (maria) bond :) but the song is part i think ;)
Jasmine's p.o.v-
I was going to get some chips when i see christine (hunters mom) and my mom in the living room bonding and watching a movie
Since when did my mom get here i dont know i just want a friend here i know i can text hunter to come but he must be tired but never mind im just going to sleep.
Hunter's p.o.v- (new finally)
I was going to text jasmine to ask if she wanted to hang but it might ruin are friendship but jacob lost his chance now its my chance
Hopfully she says yes tommorow :)
Maria's p.o.v- (jasmine's mom)
I came to my daughter house to visit and i saw christine we bonded but i wasnt here for that i was here to see if they were ok and they were
Alexa and brandon going out im excited for them shes my daughter and jasmine well she doesnt and i hope she finds someone she likes and loves.
Hope you like it do you like
Hunter&jasmine- junter
Jacob&jasmine- jasobIdk any ship names comment below
Love you babes❤️
~hevelyns :)