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  • Dedicated to david.

Let me type this out

and remember it

because I don't want to 


Not you. 

Not any of it. 

You sent me 

a message saying:

"even if I got a girlfriend

you would come first"

and other nice things

that made me 


I didn't know

how to reply.

You text me again

ten or fifteen minutes later


if I was still awake.

(Of course I was.)

I said

"yeah, just trying

to figure out

how to reply 

to the most perfect

person on the planet." 

You said

"Becky, you put 

the  b i g g e s t  smile 

on my face." 

I said

"to me, you are the most

freaking perfect person 

I've ever met. And 

I don't think that's ever

going to change." 

You said

"I have never said this 

but same to you. 

You are the 

kindest and funniest

person I have ever had 

the privilege of knowing. 

And every time I am 

with you, talking to you

or thinking back to a time

when we laughed, I...

I am the happiest person


(You made me smile

more than you can ever


I then said something 

I will never regret.

"I love you

and you are 

the best thing

that's ever happened to me." 

It's not a romantic love

but simply


And you replied

"I love you too. 

My life wouldn't be...

right without you. 

When I think of hell,

I just imagine a world

where I never knew you

and it is unbearable 

to think of.

I need you in my life. 

I am who I am

because of you." 

(Do you even realise 

how happy you make me?)

I said

"I never want to let you go." 

You said

"I won't ever let you go,


You are the most

important thing to me. 

It's always been you." 

I said 

(almost crying

of happiness

with the biggest smile

on my face)

"you are the most important

thing to me as well."

Then we said

"love you, night." 

When we saw each other

today at school

we both admitted

to have gone to bed

with huge smiles on our faces

and waking up with them 

as well. 

It was the first time

we ever said

"I love you" to

each other. 

I guess that's kind of


because we've been

joined at the hip

for over three years

but I'm glad

you feel the same 

way that I do. 

No-one will ever mean as much to me as you. 

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