Crazy Doctor

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"Sure" I said coldly.

"But do you know anyone who could help?"

"No that's why I asked you?"

"Well, should we look around."

"Dude are you crazy, do you really think we could find a doctor at this point in time, all doctors might have died."

" well how else are we going to have to help her she's getting more sick?"

"Ok, ok tomorrow morning got it?"

"Got it."
So we set out the next morning bringing our bags, and so we look around but we can't find anything at all. But a I walk to the corner I see a small hospital and cal Aron over.

"Looks old" he said oddly.

"Well duh, this place has been haunted with the disease."

"Good point."

We disced to take a peek around and see if we can find anything. As we walk into one room we see an old man in the corner doing something.

"Eh, hello?"

The man turned around and one eye was covered.

"Hello there."
==========End for now=======

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2016 ⏰

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