Meet And Greet

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Annie Pov
So we're still packing up because we're going to California for vidcon and Disneyland so we get ready and we head off were at the plane we buy some Dunkin donut and we head out we been sleeping and we wake up and we arrive

So Mom is vlogging while it's raining we stop to the trampoline and idk what going on we have to go inside when I go inside I saw kittiesmama and Mom almost push me

Mom: hey guys surprised
Me: I knew it

I actually knew it because the kittiesmama is here so now it's time to jump we did some jump I been staring at Noah because I have a crush on him when I met him so we keep jumping and jumping

Emma Pov
So we're having a new room is for Bratayley they be staying with us because we're going to the plane Noah is always nervous about something maybe Annie hmmm maybe I tell him later so we're at the trampoline so we made a plan

Me: okay Noah you get Hayley Jonah You get Caleb and I take Annie
Noah: hey I want to take Annie
Me: o okay

I knew it he like Annie so Annie is first so Noah take and carried her we all laugh and after that it's time to jump again and again after that were going back home because of Long time jumping

Annie Pov
So we're at kittiesmama house because we're staying there so we saw some fish I got scare and start laughing and I start doing some vlog and we go to sleep

The next days

So we're at the airport to go to California for vidcon and meet and greet so we got in I sit with Emma and Noah sit next to us so I fall asleep and we arrive at the hotel so we play the kittiesmama room and we go out for dinner so we got back and go to sleep for another meet and greet

The next days

So we wake up get dress and Head to Disney land so we waved some people and we start dancing

After that we met the evantubehd and we get started it so we take a picture I did some gymnest and Noah almost eat me I Attack him and we take a picture

That it guys

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