My OC's- Game 2

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Note: Put your forms in the original Rules and Forms page for game 2.

Name: Annie Rose

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Job: Harvester

Weapon: Scythe, she mainly uses it for cutting grains and crops

Appearance: dark brown hair that goes a bit past her shoulders, hazel eyes, freckles, pale skin, short, 5'0

Clothes: beige v-neck flowy shirt, black athletic leggings, beige & black running shoes

Personality: generous, kind, somewhat shy and quiet, sometimes make things seem worse than they are when panicking

Family: she knew her father was Athena's father but she didn't share the same mother, her father told her and cast her away, all her family eventually died except Athena who never knew about Annie. Annie knows her mother is alive.

Boyfriend/girlfriend: none

Crush: none

Backstory: Her deceased family died when the store they worked at was robbed.

Other: none but enjoys growing herbs and edible plants and gardening.

Name: Liam Carter

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Job: Leader

Weapon: Sword or spear

Appearance: dark brown hair, pale skin, green eyes, 6'2

Clothes: black v-neck shirt, blue jeans, black running shoes

Personality: typically laid back and calm, sometimes energetic, observative, kind, caring, sometimes snappy and rude

Family: mother, sister

Boyfriend/girlfriend: none

Crush: open

Backstory: his father disappeared

Other: none

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