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OMFG! Over 700 reads in three days. I'm so happy! What should I do as a celebration with you guys? I'll let you guys decide what I should do but, it can't be a drawing. WHAAAAA! I wanna have this book to have a contest, sort of, you guys should pick what the contest prize will be.

The contest is who can answer all of these questions correctly.

1. What is my favorite color
2. What is my favorite animal
3. Who is my most adored writer on wattpad. (I'm following them, they write jacksepticeye x reader books)
4. Who is my favorite UnderTale character
5. What is my deepest, darkest, secret (you can find it in my bio)

One of the prizes will be a shout out and a follow from me, you guys will decide what the rest of the prize is, the first one to get all five questions right, gets the prize! Good luck!

I will announce the rest of the prize the same day I choose the winner, so be creative! Don't forget, as your answering the questions, put down what YOU think the rest of the prize should be, because if you win, you get the prize you chose! (unless it's impossible) I'm choosing the first person that gets them all right, if you get them all right but after the first person, I will read one of your books and vote on it. Good luck! Again.

Some of you are going to have trouble but there are some answers in my bio if you look.

Plz answer like this

1. Your Answer
2. Your Answer
3. Your Answer
4. Your Answer
5. Your Answer

Prize you would like to have

It just makes things easier to judge and don't forget to look in my bio, some answers are hidden in the words

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