Chapter 4

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I twirled around feeling soft silk sweep my bare legs. I heard Mona's sigh of contentment and opened my eyes. I looked at myself in the mirror. I gasped.
There standing was a girl in a green and white floor length gown with silver spots that twinkled every time they were swished but what was the most breathtaking was that they glowed. They glowed in the dark. The silver spots shined like stars while the dress emitted a soft light. A line of pearls lined the neckline and pieces of sea glass were strung together to form a necklace which managed to create a elegant look. Coral hung from my ears held together by a invisible string. My shoes were of course, made of sea glass. My hair was up in side ponytail, curly at the ends, draped over my right shoulder and Mona made it look like I had just walked the beach while still looking formal and beautiful. A black rose was pinned casually on the left side of my head. My makeup was light and natural. Gold specks flittered around my eyelashes. Mona's signature. My nails done to utter perfection with small, intricate patterns that copied the waves moving. I squealed and hugged Mona. She laughed and hugged me back. I exclaimed, "Oh my god, Mona! It's absolutely gorgeous!"
She nodded and looked at me in pride. She tutted and corrected my earlier statement, "No. You look absolutely gorgeous." I laughed and hugged her once again.

~Katniss POV~
"The star-crossed lovers from District 12! How lovely to finally meet you!"
I turned around to see a girl with black hair ties in a bun and dressed like a...tree? I thought better than to point out her costume. Johanna Mason, District 7, I recognised. Very, very outspoken. I really wondered how Snow hasn't hurt her yet. But the again, she was pretty intimidating. And by that I meant that she was probably ready to twist your head off.
"You're not scaring them are you, Johanna?"
A very, very beautiful girl walked up to us. Her outfit was just about the most amazing thing I've seen. It attracted the stares of the other tributes. She's the female tribute from District 4. Johanna turned around and said, "Why, if it isn't the darling of the Capitol here to join the fun?" She smiled and even I was taken aback from how dazzling and charming her smile was. She shook her head and mock reprimanded, "No. Leave them be, Johanna. Do remember that it is their first Quarter Quell." Johanna huffed and crossed her arms, "Fine. I'll just have some fun with Cashmere and Gloss then." She stalked off. Peeta put his hand out for her to shake. She gracefully put her delicate hand in his and firmly shook it. She said, "My name is Hillary Skywood. It's a pleasure to meet you." I stepped forward and gave her a handshake too. I then heard a loud, booming voice, "Hillary Skywood!"
Hillary rolled her eyes and turned around. I stifled a chuckle. Finnick was standing there in all his...bare-skinned glory, radiant as ever. Hillary crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow.
"Yes, Finnick? How can I be of any help?"
I silently admired how she managed to remain polite when I saw the resemblance between the two. They were both from District 4. Sun-kissed skin, sea green eyes... I chuckled softly at how Finnick's jaw dropped when Hillary turned around. He was stuttering and mumbling before briefly excusing himself. Hillary turned around with a perplexed and amused face. She asked more to herself than to us, "What the bloody hell was that all about?" Peeta shrugged and I smiled softly. She then walked towards Johanna, making small talk with her.

~Hillary POV~
As I walked slowly back to District 4's carriage, I saw Finnick by District 12's carriage talking to Katniss. He was holding a sugar cube and I rolled my eyes. No. Not the sugar cube one again. That one totally sucked. Just like most of his flirting. I stroked the mane of the horse and whispered, "What did we ever do to get ourselves in this mess huh? You and me both."
"Do you need help getting on the carriage?"
I turned and saw Finnick smirking at me. I smiled and said, "Why yes. You're quite fast in talking to allies but I have to warn you, Katniss won't fall victim to your flirts. So nice try. Leave the talking to me when I'm not at death's door will you?" He just smiled and whispered in my ear, "I love it when you get mad. You look gorgeous today, tomorrow and the rest of eternity. Not that you aren't gorgeous every single day." I rolled my eyes and held my hand out for him to help me on. He ignored my hand and lifted me up by my waist. I gasped softly. He climbed in after me and smirked that annoying smirk of his. The carriage started to move. The horses started to trot and the cheering of the Capitol grew louder and louder and finally reached to its climax when the sunlight hit our faces. Finnick held my hand. The sparkled on my dress reflected the sun and gave out beams of light everywhere. I waved elegantly and blew kisses to the men while Finnick winked at the women. We both targeted the two opposite genders. I always feel terrible doing this to them but I had no choice. Snow never gave you a choice. Even if he did, you choose the one he doesn't like and he'll kill one of your beloved ones.
We progressed into the shadows. My dress glowed radiantly and the crowd yelled out, "Look! District 4 is glowing!" I smiled a small smile of pride. We raised our hand in respect to President Snow. Finnick's smile was fake and so was mine. As we descended the carriage, the ride to our level was silent. The Games had not just changed my life once but twice. I remembered that day like it was just yesterday...

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