This Nightmare is Real

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[[Chapter 2]]
[[Timeskip: 2 weeks]]
[[POV]]: Geno


I opened my eyes, blinking to clear my vision. "....H-Huh...?" It took me a minute to figure out where I was. "Wait, I'm--- How...?"

He sat up, confused. How am I.....?

I glanced to the side, noticing Sans asleep next to me. "...Oh. Heh." Wow, he just wouldn't give up on me........ I thought.

That explained a lot.

I still wasn't entirely sure how Sans had managed to save me at the point I had been at, but I decided not to question it for now.

I had figured out at that point that it was still extremely early in the morning, and I was definitely not ready to stay awake yet.

I layed back down, pulling the blankets over me a bit more, and fell back asleep.


[[Timeskip. 5 hours. 12:00PM]]


It was about noon when I woke up again. I yawned, rolling over- It seemed Sans was already up and around. I got up, glancing around the room for a minute and then walking to the door.

He checked to see if Sans had locked it. He hadn't, so I went ahead and opened the door and wandered out.

Sans was sitting on the sofa, watching TV. From what I could hear, it was some kind of breaking news story.... About Glitch!Chara. Of course.

I wondered for a minute what I had missed, until I was snapped out of my thoughts by Sans calling my name. "Geno! You're awake. Finally."

I looked over to him, smiling. "...Yeah. I don't know what you did, but thank you....."

He smiled back. "...You're welcome Geno, but uh, I've got a lot to tell you. And you're not gonna like it either." He looked serious, and I could see what looked like a bit of sadness in his eyes.

I sighed. "What happened?" I walked down the stairs, sitting down next to Sans.

I listened to him as he explained what had happened to Papyrus, and how Undyne was killed very soon afterwards. Many, many others had apparently been murdered by Glitch!Chara as well.

Most areas had been evacuated already, but apparently Sans had opted to stay behind.

I also learned that Waterfall had been completely destroyed by glitches not long after it was emptied by a combination of murder and evacuation.

All I could do for a moment after hearing about all this was stare. It was hard to believe, but after a few minutes it finally hit me what this meant.

"O-Oh no... Oh my God..." I backed up a bit from him, tears welling in my eyes. "Please, God, no....." Sans suddenly pulled me into a hug, which surprised me.

"I'm so sorry Geno, I... I wish I could've stopped all this....."

I didn't say anything else, just quietly crying.

I calmed down after a few minutes, backing away from Sans again.

"S- Sans?" I started, tentatively.

"Yeah, Geno...?"

"Wh- Where did you... I mean..."

Sans seemed to understand quickly what I was asking. He took me by the hand and lead me around to the backyard, where he had buried our brother two weeks prior.

I slowly walked over to the marker my counterpart had placed, sitting down in front of it.

"........It's for good this time, isn't it....?" I whispered.

"......She's not gonna reset again......."

"....I don't know, Geno. It.... doesn't seem like she's going to." He sighed, looking away from me for a moment. It had failed to occur to me until now that he was just as heartbroken as I was.

And how he had described it to me.... I got the feeling he'd watched it happen.

"..Oh my God...." I whispered at that sudden realization, and also at the realization that it was probably for good this time.

Sans sat down next to me, a mix of worry for me and sadness clear in his eyes.

"....I miss him too, Geno. It's been so hard for the past two weeks, having to deal with him being gone..." Sans told me, clearly on the verge of crying himself.

"That thing has to be stopped Sans.... Otherwise, it'll destroy our timeline.... And then continue on to destroy others." I told him, voice breaking.

"I know, but I have no idea how...."

"W- We'll figure out a way..... We can't let that thing win t-this easily." I told him, trying to keep my voice steady but failing miserably.

He seemed to agree with me on that.

"But we can't do it by ourselves, we've got to find a way to get to the others."

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