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Mirror Mirror

Mirror Mirror on the wall..

Tell me about them all.

Tell me about all the lies

Show me all the loyal guys

Make them stop

I'm trying to run like i'm being chased by the cops.

See these cuts?

You caused them all.

You may not see..

The cuts within me..

All you can see is a smile.

As for i, all i see are tears.

You have ruined me..

Just making it clear.

So goodbye to you all..

Just know.. You caused it all!

Breaking Trusts

We never really noticed each other.

Until we ran into one another.

We began talking.

Then we became friends.

You told me things you'd never tell another.

And i did the same.

Foolish me..

Only looked at your smile, not your heart.

You turned. You told.

It spread. It got worse.

You ended up being mean.

You ignored me.

You told me to screw off.

You told me to die.

You told me to go cry you a river.

You told me to go find a pole and begin stripping.

Look at my arms.

Look at my legs and stomach..

See that? see those scars?

See what you caused?

You hate me.

And i hate you..

You brought scars to me

I tried my best to bring happiness to you.

Music.. My Saviour.

Always depressed.

Always alone.

Always sad..

Always ignored.

i had no escape..

From what you people call society.

I had no escape.

From what you people call hate.

I was always the girl in the back of room.

The girl who had so many cuts on her.

"What happened" they would ask..

"Oh you know.. The cat.." I would reply.

They picked on me.

They pushed me.

They punched me.

They kicked me.

Then that one day..

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2014 ⏰

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