Were her words loud enough

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Melissa spoke her mind when she needed to if she didn't need to she didn't. Melissa was classified as a prep she would play sports for fun but she love to be a fashion police officer it was her thing. Her best friend Sabrina would have to agree. Sabrina was a different story she played sports but she wasn't a jock she liked to look nice but she wasn't a prep she was her own group. Isabella was a jock. Fashion wasn't her thing she would wear sweatpants over short shorts any day. Isabella also hung out with a different group. Her best friend was Sophia. Sophia was a prep. And Grace was like Sabrina. They had there group of sport and prep.
Melissa liked James but no one new. She kept it to herself. Ava, Melissa, James, and Isabella all sat together in class.  Isabella liked James to but no one new. James liked Melissa and Isabella no one new who he liked more. Melissa was strong pretty and had a personality that Everyone liked. Isabella was strong a good athlete and didn't care about what people thought of her. Melissa really like that about her.
One day in class the whole world changed. He finally chose someone. He chose Isabella. Melissa was happy for her. The same week Liam asked asked Melissa out she said "yes." She thought dating him would be a way to get over James but it didn't work. Liam never talked to Melissa. That hurt her even more. She felt like Liam Only asked her because he wanted to make Saidy his ex girlfriend jealous. It was junior year love was in the air but not for Melissa. Her pain grew stronger. No one new what was going on. Sabrina spent weeks trying to figure it out.
"Melissa?" Sabrina asked "Are you ok?"
"Yeah I'm fine." Melissa replied "why do you ask?"
"You seem different. You used to be full of life and now you barely say anything." Sabrina said in a soft voice.
Melissa went to the bathroom she sat thee and let everything she had been building up out. She cried to Sabrina she told everything. Sabrina said "your going to be okay everything will work out the way it's so-posed to."
"Let's have a girls night me and you on the couch watching a funny movie. We can eat ice cream and forget about everything just us having fun." Sabrina said.
"That sounds great. What will we watch?" Melissa replied.
"Anything you want." Sabrina continued. That night was the best night Melissa had had in a while. She laughed all night long forgetting about him. Isabella sent a text to to Melissa and Sabrina.
It said "I'm at the hospital me and James had a fight and I left I went back to his house to apologize he's been in an accident will you please come!!"-Isabella
Sabrina drove Melissa to the hospital. "Is he alright?" Isabella hugged Melissa the doctors said "it was a bad accident they don't know he is in a coma.Isabella cried "how could this happen if I wouldn't have left his house he wouldn't have been driving to my house to talk to me." Isabella cried even louder. Melissa walked to the side and shed a tear. "Can I see him?" She asked the doctor. The nurse led her to the room. She looked at him. Melissa cried some more. "I never got the chance to tell you how I felt." She hugged him and kissed him on the cheek. She walked out. The doctor told the three girls there was no telling if or when he would wake up. The nurse told them to go home and get some rest. The hospital would call with any other news. Melissa went in the next day she sat there until visiting hours were over. She read his favorite book to him. She talked as if he replied but he didn't. She told him about the math test and history. She told him all the people that missed him. She said "James I know you can't here but if there is anyway of you that might please come back to me to all of us." "I love you" she grabbed his hand and pulled it close. There was knock at the door she let his hand go wiped her tears and said come in. It was Isabella she Brung him flowers. Melissa left she went back everyday after and read from the book. Soon the book was finished. She had no more excuse to go back. She said her last goodbye. She walked out the door and he woke up he said Melissa and she ran to him and Isabella came in and hugged him.  And James just stared at Melissa.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2016 ⏰

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