The pranking

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"Hanji, nooooo!!!! Let me go!!!! I don't want to play your stupid game!!!!" "My game isn't stupid,


). I know you're a sucker for these types of games." "But I'm busy!!" " I don't care. Get your little butt in to the cellar tight now!" "Ok,ok, I will!"

"I got her!!!"Hanji squealed. "I knew she would come down here sooner or later." Connie said. You sat down next to Eren, and smiled. "ok, let's start!! Hmmmm, Reiner!""yes?" " Truth or Dare?"Uhhh, Dare." "I dare you to go into Erwin's office, and start stroking his eyebrows, and of he asks what you're doing, tell him you're petting his pet caterpillars." "Ok." Reiner said, and left. "I'm gonna go watch him do it!" Hanji said, leaving.

"Finally, she's gone!" "Yeah." "Ok, Sasha." " Yeah?" " Truth or Dare?" "Dare." " I dare you to marry a potato." "Why?" "Because we know you are in love with potatoes, and we want you to be happy!" "Fine."

We then started the wedding. "Sasha, do you take this potato as your husband?" "I do." "Potato, you you take Sasha as your wife?" Eren held it from behind and said in a squeaky voice,"I do." " You may kiss the bride." Eren threw the potato at Sasha's face, and it hit her on the forehead. She picked it up and kissed it.

"Ok, (Y

)." Jean said.



"Truth or Dare?"


"I dare you to prank the Corporal, with Eren."

"Shit! Do you want us to die?!?!" " I want to see his reaction." "His reaction will be, ANGRY." "Just go do it." " Fuck you, Jean." You said before grabbing Eren's hand and leaving.


)." "Yeah?" " If we die today, I just want you to know, you've been a great friend." " We are not going to die today, get our asses beat, yes, but that doesn't matter." " So, how are we going to prank him?" " Doesn't Levi have a Diary?" " Yeah." " We are going to take it, and we are going to put Nair in his shampoo." " Holy shit."

Destination: Levi's office. "Eren, get the Diary." You said, going to the bathroom. You put the Nair in his shampoo, grabbed Eren's hand and was about to run when Levi came into the room. You shoved Eren into the closet before levi saw him. " Why the fuck are you in here, brat?" " Hanji sent me to get you." " That's not true, is it brat?" "....." " Exactly. I see that Nair. I'll have to punish you." Levi said seductively. "Wh-what?!"

Levi's face neared yours, until you were only centimeters away. "You've been a very bad girl." You whimpered, and his lips crashed onto yours. You're eyes widened,but you melted into the kiss and wrapped your arms around his neck. He broke away, and started kissing your neck. You moaned when he kissed you're sweet spot. He smirked against your neck and started biting and sucking on that spot on your neck until it was a bright red.

"Now go, brat. We will continue this later." "O-ok." You said, and you took Eren out of his hiding place and ran.

Pranking The Corporal\One-shot (Levi x reader)Where stories live. Discover now