Chapter 1

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Great. Just how I wanted to spend my summer. Three months at a stupid summer camp that my parents thought would be 'good for me.' Just because i've reached the 'teenage chapter of my life' and I hang out in my bedroom all day sleeping or listening to music, doesnt mean im rotting my brain. Technically music is good for you. I mean studies show that babies who listen to moz-art when they are younger are 50% smarter, and have more of a chance of graduating. So wouldnt that be the same for all music? Ever heard the saying "Music calms the fearful beast"? well It goes something like that...

Its not like Im still in the stage they call 'the 'tweens.' I mean that is when you should be worried most about yuor child. When they spend most of their days with girls, or are curious about the other sexes' body parts.

I looked around at the pine needle infested ground. That was it.

"This summer is officially wasted," I thought to myself as i stepped out of my parents van.

I would much rather be at home sleeping untill noon, and listening to my mom complain about me sitting around all day. Not sitting around a camp fire singing she'll be comin' round the mountain.

"At least i have my guitar," I thought as i pulled it out of the trunk along with my other bags.

I set my bags down and took in a breath of fresh air. I guess this summer wouldnt be too bad, I thought as a group of bikini cladded girls walked by.

The roar of my parents rusted engine interrupted my thoughts.

"Bye sweetie, we love you! Oh and dont forget the mosquito spray, its in your bag for a reason Liam," My mom called.

Just great. A group of guys snickered and called,"Mama's boy!" and reminded me to not forget the mosquito spray.

I silently accepted the fact that I would be the laughing stock of camp.

* * *

"Cabin 24," I said to myself as I picked up my luggage and went on the search for my cabin.

"Cabin 24, cabin 24, cabin 24," I said over and over, as I walked along the rows of cabins.

"You looking for cabin 24?" A blonde guy asked as he rushed to catch up with me.

"Yeah," I said.

"Cool, me too. Im Niall, Niall Horan," He said. When he smiled the sun reflected off his braces into my eyes, nearly blinding me.

"Liam Payne," I winced, trying not to show. I smiled as i caught sight of the gutair case he was carryiing.

"You play?" He asked.

"Yup," I held up my case slightly.


I continued on the search for the cabin.

"24 ,24 ,24, right here," I stopped and stared and the old, rickety, pile of wood they called a cabin.

"Awesome!" Said Niall, as he ran up the steps.

"I guess..." I mumbled as I followed behind him.

"Welcome to cabin 24!" A guy with sandy brown hair that hung barely above his eyes, and a striped shirt called dramatically as we entered.

I noticed a bag full of converse sitting on his bunk. At least I knew two people in my cabin that have the same interest, I smiled slightly to myself.

"What makes it yours?" I turned my head to see a guy leaning against the doorway. He was wearing a white tee shirt and... black skinny jeans? In summer? Its like a billion degrees.

"Oh joy. Nice entrance Styles," Stripes said sarcastically, while rolling his eyes. I could tell he didnt like this guy from the way he put empahsis on the "Styles."

"Always glad to have you in my cabin Tomlinson," Skinny jeans replied with a jeer.

"How many years has it been since we've shared this cabin and you're still on last name bases? And if this is anyone's cabin it should be mine," A voice from one of the top bunks said.

"Stay out of this Malik," Shot skinny jeans.

"It's Zayn," The voice groaned quietly.

"Im sick of you acting like you're the boss of this cabin and everyone in it Harry!" Stripes yelled.

"Im sick of you acting like you're the boss of this cabin and everyone in it Harry," Harry mocked, "Yeah and Im sick of you acting like a first grader Louis," He laughed."Why dont you find a new cabin?"

"Every year," Zayn rolled his eyes.

"And who are you guys?" Harry looked to me and Niall, as we stood quietly by the door.

"Liam Payne," I said once again.

"Uhm, Niall Horan," Said Niall quietly.

"Okay rookies, well how about a few ground rules?" Harry said. "One, this is my cabin. Anyone that disagree's can sleep outside," He nodded to the mosqutio net covered windows.

"Guess I'm sleeping outside,"Louis said under his breath. Harry ignored him.

"Two, outside of this cabin we dont talk. You dont call me by name, you dont to talk to me, let alone look at me, period. We dont know each other." Harry continued.

"Last but not least, this is my bunk," Harry nodded to the bunk closest to the door.

"The whole thing?" Asked Niall.

"The whole thing," confirmed Harry.

"Any questions?" Harry looked at each of us,"Good. Now im off to the lake to get my tan on," He said, then left the cabin.

As soon as Harry was out of ear- shot Louis asked,"So what do you guys think of Harry?"

"He's..." Niall started.

"Something..." I finished.

"Yeah, right. He honestly believes he owns this whole camp, and nobody would dare disagree," Louis complained.

"Have you guys really been in the same cabin for quite some time?" Niall asked.

"Yup. Three years to be exact. Its been a...challenge... Anyways Im Louis Tomlinson," He shot out both his hands. One for me and one for Niall to shake.

"Im Zayn Malik," Zayn said from his bunk.

"He doesnt talk much," Whispered Louis.

"Whatever," Zayn leaned over the bunk revealing his dark hair and his face that showed signs of either pain or mystery...

"Whats up with the bag of converse?" I asked Louis.

"He's obsessed," Zayn rolled his eyes.

Louis gasped and scooped up the bag,"This isnt just any old bag of converse. They're my babies," He cooed.

I raised my eyebrows and laughed slightly, as I looked down at my worn out converse.

"So I guess you two can share that bunk," Louis referred to the only bunk left.

"I call top!" Niall called as he raced up the ladder.

I shoved my bags under the bunk. I sighed," So what do we do now?"

"Anything you want. Until dinner that is," Louis replied.

"I guess i'll take a look around camp," I said as Niall brought out his guitar.

"Whoa you play?" Louis eyes widened.

"Yeah want to learn a few chords?" Niall offered.

I smiled and walked out of the cabin and into the bright sunlight. I took a look around my 'so called home' for the next two and a half months. This was going to be a long summer.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2017 ⏰

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