Blake grabbed my arm and pulled me into a room. "Is this your room?" "Yeah it is, since Hunter and I are traveling alot we decided with our parents that we kinda 'share' a home!" "wow, short story😉" "Shut up you little!" Suddendly he pushed me against the wall and kissed me. "That keeps your mouth shut" "In a good way :)" "We should go back downstairs before the other lovebirds freak out" "They won't freakout, they have eachother to concentrate on ;)" We still walked down the stairs. We standed in the dooropening. Hunter and Alex were kissing. "Uhum" I coughed extremely dramatic. Dramaclass was a good choice!
"Oh uhm sorry!" Alex looked like she was discovered while doing something sneaky. Hunter was laughing. "We just want to do something!" Blake lift me up on his waist. He walked to the cough and sat down, I was still on his lap. My face towards him. Jawline on fleek. He's just so cute, and I'm so happy to be his girl! "I'm happy to have you" He smiled to me and kissed me. This guy can read minds too! Multifunctional boyfriend! ;) "Should we go to a waterparc or something?" Hunter asked watching his mobile like the answers were on his phone. "Yeah I'm okay with that!" "Me too!" "Yeah same!" "Should we ask the others with their girlfriends too?" "like who?" "Brandon ofcourse, he hasn't seen his girlfriend since winter and he misses her very much!" "Yeah ofcourse and more?" "Cam and Aaron?" "Yeah sure!" Hunter and Blake were in a deep conversation while Alex and I were talking with face expressions. That's something we can do because we are best friends and I know that you and your bff that probably can do too! So we were making funny faces. Blake grabbed his phone.
"Let's make a photo with us four, we never really made a nice photo" "leggo!"
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It was a photo like this but then with us😂
"We're so much squadgoals!" We all laughed. "What should we eat tonight?" Blake asked. "PIZZA" Alex and I looked to eachother. Twintelepathy hit us again and we sat it at the exact same time. We're just like twins, always. "Ofcourse, I could've guessed that!" Hunter said tickling Alex. "Hunter stop!" She was laughing so hard! I grabbed my phone and opened SnapChat. I filmed it and put text under it. *lovebirds 2.0❤😉* I posted it, but my SnapChat is blocked for people so the can't send stuff to me. Otherwise my phone will blow up every time I post something. I took a selfie making a fishface by Blake while I gave him a kiss on his cheek. Posted it with the caption: *Lovebirds 1.0 still alive, love you💖* 10k screenshots. Well, okay! I opened Instagram. I saw a fanccount and looked at it. It was a fanaccount for me! That's so sweet! I never thought someone would do that!
The time we had to wait was over. "The pizza delivery is here Blake!!" Hunter screamed upstairs while Balke was grabbing something. "Then open the door! I already paid!" "Okay!" Hunter opened and came back after saying thanks and checking. "Pizza's here!" We actually ate our pizza in silence. Blake was still upstairs. "What is Blake doing upstairs? I'm going to lo.." "NO!" Hunter and Alex screamed. "Okay what is going on here? "Nothing." Okay they were hiding something for me. "Is it a surprise" Hunter: "No" Alex: "Yeah it is" Hunter: "You should've not say that babe" "oops" was Alex her respond. Typically her answer. "Uhm Floor, we have to blindfold you!" "What? Why?" "Jus do it alright?" "Uhm I guess, this is not a prank right?" "I can't say anything" Hunter said nervous. "Okay now I'm scared" "Don't have to" Alex said. "I hope you're right!" "You have to go upstairs with us so climb on my back" Hunter said. "Alex help me" Alex pushed me on Hunter's back. We went upstairs. I didn't know where I was atm.
We walked into a room. I heard little noices. "Blake are you here babe?" No answer. "Well if you're here, hi." I wanted to put my hands in front of my face, but realised that I was blindfolded. What a logic Floor, wow! "Please don't scare me!... guys are you even here? Hello?" I heard laughing. "Okay you guys are here, can you take this thing off my head?" "Yeah sure, you ready?" Alex said. "I guess..." "Okay let's go in 3...2...1.. Surprisee!!"
What would be the surprise? Oh I kinda stole the idea to go to a waterslideparc from floortjexgray Thanks babe💖 Another chapter! Hope you like it!😁 Byee✌