Story Two

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"Hahaha!" I laughed opening the door for Tōrasu. It was almost Halloween so we had spent lots of time together planning outfits to go in. We had to be matching!

"Or we could go as Brendon Urie from one his many videos?" Tōrasu laughed making the expression he makes in I write sins not tragedies when he has his top hat.

"Hahaha, yeah!" I giggled back.

We entered the kitchen where dinner was already set up. We quickly ate not really wanting a conversation with mum about anything.

"Oh mum could she please stay over night, I promise we won't hassle and she can't come over at the weekend!" I argued but mum eventually gave which made me smile.

" but that does mean you'll have to bathe together" my mum told me. I saw Tōrasu go bright red which made me giggle a bit.

"Sure mum, I'm sure that'd be fine!"

We hurried upstairs into the bath room with some towels as I turned on the tap then began stripping. Before I was completely naked I checked the bath was perfect though then getting in with bubbles filling over me hiding anything too inappropriate for to show.

"Come on u~orisu. Get in!" I giggled gesturing her to the bath. She finally gave in and took off her final bits of clothing then climbed into the steamy water.

"Ooh that's hot!" She muttered with a still very embarrassed face.

"That's how I always have it. Hot and steamy!" I giggled. "Hey Tōrasu, turn over and I'll give you a scrub." I grabbed a bath pouf and began scrubbing at her back.

"Mm" she hummed as I took off all the dead skin. "Yeah, right there is great"

I giggled at her reactions then she turned me around for my turn.

Once the bubbles were gone we climbed out of the bath and wrapped each other in towels tightly laughing. We then dried up and trotted to bed at 9:30pm so we could chat before falling asleep.

It wasn't too long before I drifted, but I remember hearing something about chocolate as I did.

"The head teacher thought of the school like his child, so you could guess he would be upset about losing it. One cold and rainy day in April just like this one, a teacher at a school much like this one tripped down the stairs and died. Her daughter watched the incident and later went missing. The thing was this wasn't the first death in the school, 3 other students had gone missing at Heavenly Host Elementary so over time the school had to close. The head teacher was so unhappy about this, about losing his 'child'. So the day of the closing he jumped from the roof of the school." Unmei grinned closing the book then holding the scrap paper doll high in the air.

"What's that?" Kerī asked pointing at the shape.

"This is the sachiko charm." Unmei held it out so everybody could see.

"What does it do?" Sheriru asked looking it up and down looking confused.

"Nothing! It's just a scrap of paper" ishi turned his back on them annoyed that people were paying attention to a scrap of paper rather than him.

"This charm sends all students who perform the ritual wrong to heavenly host elementary where they will face a worser fete." Unmei spoke lowering the charm as the group caught a closer glance at it.

"And if we did it right?" Eimī asked tapping it.

"Then we can stay best friends forever!" Unmei smiled happily holding out the doll so they could perform the ritual.

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