Tonight's Murder???

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Ray I need you to help me murder my boyfriend.
Did u forget the simple fact that you just bailed me out of jail for blowing up my exes house and for shooting a girl in the back?
Yes I'm well aware of that now exactly at 10:00 go to this big building on main street and go to the roof. When u get there look for a sniper and a bullet proof vest. Also on the side of the bullet proof vest there's a silencer that u put at the end of the gun barrel so when u shoot no one will hear it. Do you understand?
Yes ma'am
The gun is already loaded all u have to do is wait for the signal. I'm going to cut my phone off so nobody can contact me I'm also getting a new number so only u can tell me when u are in position.
Yes ma'am so what's the signal.
A fat ass......Hair flip

Hair flip really.....okay I got it.

Good it's 9:00 now oh and we are going to be 5 degrees north of the kill point at the top of a building. So be ready.
Yes ma'am let me go change into something.
Alright now I'm counting on you to make this shot understand
Yes ma'am
Now if you don't that will mean I will have to push him off the building and say he wanted to commit suicide because I was breaking up with him.

Wait...wa-wait why don't u just do that now instead of have me shoot the dude

Because I said that last time now go get ready I'm about to go bye.

Bye momma

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