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It's been three weeks since Willie left. Niall's mood has changed a lot, he's a lot more quiet. He's laid back, no bickering.

"Niall?" I ask as I walk through the kitchen. He's laying down on the couch in the living room his eyes fixed on the television. "Yeah?" He mumbles as he looks over at me. "Are you hungry?" I ask as I walk over to the fridge. I pull out the now thawed hamburger meat that I'd put in earlier. "Not really," he says and fixates his attention back to the television. I let out a small sigh, this is about all I've gotten out of him the last three weeks. You would never have guessed that Willie meant that much to him. I un-package the meat and put in on the stove in a pan and begin to cook it. I grab my phone from my pocket and look down at the blank screen. I hear movement and look over to see Niall has propped himself up. I smile over at him, his phone in his hand. "Hey, I love you!" he says as he moves his phone to face me. I can't help the blush that creeps onto my face, "I love you too, Niall!" I smile. He lays his phone down on the tabletop next to the couch.

"I'm sorry," I hear his faint voice say from behind me. I turn around quite quickly and face him. "I understand what you're going through!" I smile. "I've just put you to the side lately and I'm so sorry about it!" He says as he stands from the couch. I watch as he makes his way to me. "It's okay," I smile and turn back to the stove and stir the components in the pot. A few moments later I feel Niall's large arms being wrapped around my stomach. "I'm so sorry babe," he whispers into my ear as he places a small delicate kiss to my neck. "Baby, I understand!" I chuckle and lean my head back onto his shoulder.

"We have to go to Dublin this week," he says with a smile. "Whys that?" I ask. I stir the food as I listen to him explain that he'll be playing in the European Golf tour Pro-AM. "That's exciting babe," I smile and take the food off of the stove. "I'm set to tee off with Justin, I'm really nervous about it!" He sighs which makes me chuckle. "Can't play in front of people?" I ask as I raise my eyebrow. "Nope," he sighs.


I wake up with an intense migraine. My head feels as though I'm swimming around, I quickly jolt out of bed. "Babe?" his voice quickly invades my ears making my heart rate calm. I look over to see the brunette roots facing away from me, which in return makes me smile. "Are you okay?" he asks and I watch as his body turns toward me. I feel his muscular arm wrap around me before I see his face. "Mhm," I sigh and wipe the sweat that had formed on my forehead. "It's okay baby girl. You're safe with me!" He chuckles and kisses my shoulder. My body un-tenses and I smile softly. I glance over to see that it's only five in the morning, I let out a sigh and cuddle myself into Niall's chest and quickly fall asleep.

I wake up a few hours later and see that Niall is still in bed but is now sitting up with his hand on my back, rubbing small circles while wearing his glasses and looking at his laptop. I let out a long yawn, "good morning beautiful!" He smiles and looks down at me. I feel my cheeks flame and a smile spread across my face. "Good morning handsome!" I say and rest my hand on his chest, smiling at the chest hair that's growing that makes him super happy. "When do we leave for Ireland?" I ask with a smile, I'm going back to my home country for the first time in ages. "Around lunch and it's only just now eight!" he smiles and lays his phone down on the bedside table. "I need to get ready!" I say and practically jump out of the bed. I hear Niall chuckle as I walk to the bathroom, I quickly wash my face since I took a shower last night before bed. "Don't use that stuff," I hear Niall's voice which makes me jump and squeal. "What stuff?" I ask looking down at my makeup on the counter top, I know that's what he's talking about. "That stuff to cover your already gorgeous face!" he sighs and walks into the bathroom slipping his arms tightly around my waist. "Only for you," I sigh and close my makeup bag with a large sigh. We walk back to the bedroom and I go on the hunt for clothes, Niall easily finds Nike everything quickly changing into it. Whereas I stand struggling to find something cute, seeing as though I had packed all my cute outfits for Ireland. I finally decide to wear one of Niall's t-shirts and a pair of black skinny jeans. "I actually really wanted to leave earlier," he says from behind me as I pull on my skinny jeans. "We can if that's an option!" I chuckle and throw on his large hoodie that practically devours my body.

Before I know it we are landing in Dublin. The turbulence wakes me from my deep sleep, I yawn quite loudly and stretch out my arms. I hear Niall's chuckle from beside me, I reach over and run my hand across his prickly chin, "hey darlin'," he says and I open one eye slightly and look over at him. "Hello handsome," I chuckle as I watch everyone else stand to their feet. Niall smiles at me and then stands to his feet, holding out one hand for me to grab a hold of.

Once we finally get off the plane, we walk over to the baggage claims. I quickly grab my bags and watch as he takes his as well, we walk out of the airport hand in hand. A smile is prominent on my face and I can't help but let out a small giggle. "What are you laughing about Lon?" he smiles, I feel his lips glide across my cheek. "I'm just happy," I hum as we wait on Basil. I'm surprised when I don't see the amount of fans that I had originally expected. "Where are all the fans?" I chuckle as we make our way to the rental BMW if parked out front. "They think we're coming in tomorrow!" you can practically hear the smirk on Basil's lips, as he's tricked parts of Niall's huge fandom. "Can't believe loads of them fell for that!" I watch as Niall and Basil high five. "You guys are so weird!" I say as I get into the back of the car, Basil getting in the front to drive. "The good kind of weird," they both say in unison. I roll my eyes with a chuckle.

We pull up to a hotel in the middle of Dublin moments later. A smile spreads across both of our faces. "Home," I smile as I open the car door. Niall watches my every move with a smile, "We'll hit K Club in a bit for practice !" he smiles, I follow him inside the hotel.


GEEZ. I'm so sorry for not updating !!! I've had so much going on lately and I'm beyond sorry ! I know this doesn't rightfully make up for it but I hope it does somehow !!

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