Chapter 3: night before the concert

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I relaxed in the living room and fell asleep on the couch

*Brandon's P.O.V*
As I was driving to the hotel that me and Chris were staying at I couldn't help but think of her, I was careful not to daydream because that's dangerous especially when Chris is in the car with me I hope she comes to the concert tomorrow, we get to the hotel and I park the car "what are you thinking about Brandon" Chris smiled, I laughed "it's nothing man, not a big deal" I say as I get out of the car and check into the hotel Chris follows knowing that I'm lying about it

*Rose's P.O.V*
I woke up to Loki barking, someone was knocking at my door I got up and answered it, it was Cameron one of my best friends "hey Rose, are you going to the Consider Me Dead concert tomorrow?" She smiled "yeah" I replied half sleepily "do you know what you're going to wear?" She asked "Yeah, black skinny jeans and a band T-shirt and converse what about you?" I yawned and she smiled "a pierce the veil shirt skinny jeans and converse"

*Brandon's P.O.V*
I can't help but think about her she's so pretty, snap out of it Brandon you have to get some sleep before the concert tomorrow night Chris got the room keys "Brandon your in room 2001 and I'm in 2002" he smiled and handed me the key "thanks Chris" I walked to my room and opened the door "I'm gonna go to sleep now, so goodnight" I closed the door and went to sleep

*the next day*
I got up and got dressed, left my room, and went to Chris's room and knocked. He, of course, was still asleep so I went to go get coffee down in the lobby. I yawned and brought the coffee back to my room I couldn't help but think of her all night, this time Chris was awake and knocked at my door I answered, he came in and I handed him his cup of coffee

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