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So I'm just gonna rant for a little bit..,

Okay, is it bad that I honestly don't know where I classify? I don't know what I am, am I emo, am I cool, am I popular, honestly idk and it drives me crazy!!! I listen to almost every Music genre there is, I dress in whatever I can find or like. I'm tough and not very girly, but I have a good bit of girly friends and I'm not afraid to be who the hell I am around most people, but I hate that I can't be me around my own family.
I can't stand it when my brother or my parents fuss at me for being antisocial, because I know I am. I don't constantly need a reminder about it.
Do any of y'all think it's bad that I feel more at home at my friends houses than I do when I'm in my own home? Bc I do, I love going to other place that isn't where I have to stay legally until I'm 18.
Also, is it bad that I don't know what I like in relationship wise? Idk whether I like boys or girl or both, and I hate that! I can't stand that, it makes me feel stupid, idk why though.....

Thanks for letting me rant if you're still reading this rn!!

Here's a pic of me bc I'm stupid and bored rn....

Here's a pic of me bc I'm stupid and bored rn

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