Favorite Children

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"Mom, who's your favorite, me or Katelyn?"~Callie (Aunt)
"I'm your favorite because I'm the oldest, right?"~Katelyn (mom)
*standing and watching the conversation*~Amberlynn
*looks at me* "Amberlynn's my favorite"~Constance (grandma)
*looks at grandma like she's crazy*~Callie and Katelyn
"It's ok, she's my favorite, too"~Katelyn

A/n: Hey guys! I'm honestly thinking about whether I should I continue this book or not. I plan to, since the friend family is growing every day, but...what do you think? Anyhow, this was a great day. I'm grandma's favorite! But my mom is still awesome. But if you're enjoying this book, read on!

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