Morgan POV

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     Maddie, Andrea come on we're going to be late for reservations at China Star Buffet. Just wait we need to finish our makeup they both say. Fine but hurry up I say.
   We finally get to China Star Buffet to realize our reservations have been cancelled and people had taken our seats so now we must go sit on a bench and wait until people leave.
   So we go and sit on 5 person bench with two seats left for people to sit on. Next thing we know two people walk in and we think they might sit by us. They turn around and I can see that it is Dan and Phil the YouTubers.
    OMG. I look at Maddie and Andy and do a high pitched scream. It's the amazing Dan and Phil I tell them I hope they come and sit by us. Next thing that turn and walk over by us.
    They are coming over by us. Shit do I look okay I whisper to Andy. You look fine she says. Okay. We all split apart so we can all sit by them. Lucky me I get to sit in the middle of the both of them.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jun 29, 2016 ⏰

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