Chapter 1

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"Robyn, wake up! Today is your testing day!" My mother squeals.

I can't help but smile at my mother's enthusiastic attitude. I think that she's more excited about the testing than I am.

"I'm up!" I announce brightly.

She nods and hops out of the room to get herself and my younger brother ready for the ceremony. Unlike most mornings, I hop out of bed without hesitation and put on my long midnight blue dress that I was assigned to. Oddly enough, it actually compliments my red, curly hair.

After I finish getting ready, I head to the living room, where I find my family sitting down. They all look very stunning. My mother wears her yellow sundress, and my brother and father wear dashing suits.

"Now, Robyn." My father begins, "before we head to the breakfast hall, I would like to say a few things to you."

I nod and sit down.

"Just know that even if our family gets separated, we will always be a family. I know that we will only get to see each other every two years, and that will be devastating... to everyone...."

I stop him. "Father, do not worry. Even it turns out than I'm not an INFP, our family will be as strong as ever. I know that it will be hard for you three, but all of this will end soon. I promise. Soon, all of the types will be together."

My mother gasps. "Robyn, please don't ever say that again. It's insulting the government."

I nod. "Yes mother."

Without another word, we take the train to the breakfast hall. When we arrive, we find an area sectioned off for the families of today's test-takers.

We quickly eat in silence, and make our way to the train that leads to the city hall. As we step off of the train, I see statue of Katherine Briggs and Isabel Myers, the founders of MBTI.

I wave goodbye to my parents as they find our family table and as I go in line to take the test. Soon enough, a voice is projected throughout the area.

"Good Morning! Today, our youth will be taking the MBTI personality test. After everyone has taken it, you are to go sit with your families and wait for the results. Our test-takers will now proceed to go into the test-taking building."

Instantly, our line begins to move forward until everyone is in the building. The building is just one, extremely large room that is filled with testing stations separated by dividers. We all file into a testing station, and I notice that everyone looks as nervous as I do. When everyone is assigned to a station, the door closes and the room becomes only lit by the glow of the testing screens. Then, a voice is projected throughout the building.

"Welcome, testers! Today you will take the MBTI test. You will have thirty minutes to answer thirty questions. Answer each question very carefully and honestly. If you need to change an answer, you will be able to do so once the test is over. Do not look at your neighbor's screen. Once the thirty minutes are up, you will go find your family and enjoy dinner with them until the results are announced. You may begin."

Everyone jumps as the first question appears on their screen.

Would you describe yourself as a risk-taker or a rule-follower?
[a] a risk-taker
[b] a rule-follower

Without any hesitation, I click "b" then zoom through the rest of the test. When I finish, I keep my head forward so I don't accidentally gaze at someone else's screen. After daydreaming for who knows how long, a noise echoes through the room.

"The thirty minutes is up! Please return to your families and wait for the results!"

Everyone files out of the room in deafening silence. I quickly go to my family's table.

"Well, how was it?" My mother asks.

I grin. "It was so easy! I'm so excited to figure out my personality type!"

"I'm excited for you!" My father adds.

When our meal appears on the table, our conversation automatically ends as we dig into our salad, steak, mashed potatoes, and rolls. I savor each bite,
because we never have this kind of food on a regular day. We usually have chicken and rice. As I am gazing around, I accidentally make eye contact with a girl sitting at the table next to us. She smiles at me, and I awkwardly smile back.

Once we all finish our main courses, pieces of apple pie appear on a new plate in front of us. Now that the results are almost here, I am too nervous to eat my dessert. I give it to my Peter instead.

For the third time today, a voice booms over all conversation.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we are about to announce this year's results! Before we begin, we would like to remind you of the main reason why this society exists...."

As they go on and on about the history, I do not pay attention at all. My entire body is shaking as the anticipation gets worse.

"Now, here are the results!"

She goes down the list, and I wait until she calls out the Z's to really pay attention. The further down the list she goes, the more I notice kids around me squealing as their name is called. The girl that I smiled at earlier, Rose something, is an INFP, like my family. Before I even realize it, she reaches the Z's.

"They're about to call your name!" My brother squeals.

I figure my name, Robyn Zyers will be the very last name that she calls. I shake more and more, and it is finally my turn.

"Last but not least, we have Robyn Zyers as...."

My mother and father squeeze my hands as I stand up.

She pauses. "An INFJ."

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