Part3: Ultimate PURE Destruction (chapter 10)

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Chapter 10: Rest and Treason

"What the hell is going on?" asked outloud Hagakure, not believing what he was seeing.

"The... Remnants of Despair are showing us this." answered Kirigiri.

"But how the hell did they brought the last giant Monokuma there? It was supposed to be in Africa, right?" asked again the clairvoyant.

Naegi came back in the room with new informations about what is happening. It seems that the teams in Africa that was supposed to fight the Monokuma had disappeared, certainly dead. And since they were gone without a sound, no one knew what had happened over there during the last four months. The last reports were about that the signal would be jammed once they enter a certain zone.

"But where did they get those helico-" was about to ask an agent.

Everyone's attention suddenly was on the screens as the Monokaiju jumped with a laugh, only to land again on the monster's head.


Godzilla tried to stand up, but the weight on his head was preventing him from doing so. And to add to his pain, the weapon was jumping on his head, each stomp sinking his face deeper into the ground. After what seemed like an eternity of jumping, the bear finally got off of the monster. The leviathan slowly stood up on his feet while the bear walked around, back to him and raising its fist in the air while roaring in laughter.

Suddenly he heard cheers, Godzilla looked up and saw humans, a lot of them, on the roofs of the buildings surrounding the park, transforming it into a ring surrounded by spectators. They were wearing masks that matched the bear's face. All of them screaming in cheers for the giant robot to kill the lizard. The weapon turned back toward the King of Monsters, ready to fight. But Godzilla wasn't. He wasn't in a state to fight fully. His skin was now vulnerable without his scales. If this fight was to last, he might end up really bad.

He was confident that even in his state he could destroy the bear, but at what cost? More important injuries, that's what. And that means he will have to rest for a longer time to recover, leaving him completely vulnerable. If he-

The bear leapt on the lizard, claws out and planted in his shoulder, going all the way through. The weight of the bear pushing the kaiju down on the ground and eventually pinning him there. Once the tired monster on the ground, the Monokaiju started impaling Godzilla with his claws on different part of his body, each stab splashing out blood on the park's ground. The King of Monster tried to shriek in pain but it got caught in his throat as another claw impaled itself on the latter. He immediately concentrated his healing on this new wound in a crucial place for his survival. Things were getting way more serious than anticipated.

The bear stopped all action to jump on his torso, a rattling crack was heard as some ribs of the leviathan broke under the weight of the robot, only to bounce again on the upper body and get out of the giant's way. The bear lifted it paws in the air with a loud roar of dominance. The masked people started to applause and cheering the bear, chanting its name:

"Mo-no-ku-ma! Mo-no-ku-ma!"

The bear laughed, walking in circle in the 'ring', like a wrestler after sending his opponent down. It waved its paws for the applauses to get louder, which happened. The robot rotated his head slightly to the side to stare at the slowly rising titan, gasping for air while he pressed his left hand over the improvised springboard.

This is getting worse than expected, if he wanted to make it out without much deeper injuries, he needed to end this quick. But he didn't have enough energy for a fair fight... He will have to use the very last strength left in his body in at least 2 attacks to destroy the bear. But for this he needed to concentrate his flow of energy. To use the dangerous one instead of the one he uses regularly. But using it will tire him completely.

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