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Jason's POV

"Gentlemen, please have your sit." I said to my business partners, Mr. Somers and Mr. Butler. Once both of them took their sit infront of me at my desk, I put up my right hand and made a signal to the maid. One of them hurriedly poured glasses of wine for us.

I put my hands under my chin and looked at them. "So, tell me what is going on right now." I said before I changed my focus to the tv. I saw Ariana's laid on the bed sleeping peacefully. The tray of food is untouched beside her. Why are you so stubborn, my angel. I shrugged it off and listened to my partners talked about the parcel that should be ship to Mexico tomorrow.

"I want the parcel to be hold until next week. This isn't the right time yet. They will get suspicious if the parcel arrived to soon." I said to them.

"But sir-", Mr. Butler was cut off by Mr. Somers. "Next week the new stuff will come in. I dont think that it is a good idea." Mr. Somers protested.


The 'beep'ing sounds came from the tv. It was an alarm noticing me if someone opened the door to my room with the spare keys.

"Gentlemen, please have your way to the guest living room. I'll be right back." I said to them and left the office to my room.

I saw the door to my room is wide open and one of my maid is in there. I ran inside to see Ariana on the bed crying really hard while one of the maid helped her to calm down.

"What is going on, maid? Why do you opened the door with the spare keys." I asked her tried to keep my cool in front of Ariana.

"I want to check on her just like you order, Mr. McCann but I could not find the keys so I use the spare one. When I opened the door I saw her crying. I have no idea why." She explained in panicked.

"Tell my guard to secure the whole perimeter of the house." I said and ushered her out of the room. She ran outside and closed the door tightly.

Ariana's sobbed is the only sound that could be heard in the room. I walked to her side of the bed and sat beside her. She looked up at me slowly with her eyes glared at me. I wrapped my hands around her while rubbed her back soothely.

"Why are you crying, mi amor?" I asked her. She continued to sob and ignored my question. I grabbed her chin to look up at me. Once I got her to look at me, I noticed her eyes showed fear and exhausted. "Let me fix you, sweetheart. Tell me what is wrong?" I whispered slowly.

She sniffled before tried to find her courage to speak up. "N-nightmare." She mumbled. "I cant hear you love. "I spoke although I could hear her fine. She settled herself and spoke louder.

"It's fine. I am here. None of them are true." I tucked her hair behind her ear to exposed her face. Her eyes looked like there is a universe in them. Her nose. Her lips. Her pink lips always got me captivated.

I straighten myself and stood up. "You want to take a shower? It's okay. I wont join you." I offered my hand to her. She looked at my open hand for a while then she hesitatedly took my hand. I helped her got off the bed and showed her to the bathroom and her closet. "I'll placed your outfit on your bed. Then, I want you to stay in here wait for me." I ordered her. She looked at me and nodded her head fast. I kissed on top of her head and went to the closet. My girl looks the best in everything she wear.

Ariana's POV

Once I have finished my shower, I stood in front of the sink and look at myself in the mirror. I look horrible. I could not believe I got kidnapped by a rich man. Sigh.

I grabbed a lotion on the sink and smeared all over my hands and body. I got out of the bathroom and saw a white dress laid on the bed.

After I finished, I made my way to the bed and made the bed. The door unlocked made me stopped what I was doing. I turned around to see Mr. McCann. I heard the maid said that when she explained to him why I cried.

"Good girl. Good girl always obey." He kissed me on the cheek softly. "Come here." He pulled me into his chest and hugged me. I stood still did nothing than let him took advantage of me. He tightened his gripped on me. Since I'm only could reach his shoulder, his gripped made me suffocated in his chest.

He pulled me away from his chest and looked me in the eyes. "I want you to meet some of my business partners." I nodded. "Listen sweetheart." He pulled me into his chest once again. "Behave. I swear Ariana if you do not obey this time, you'll get it." He warned me. I did not dare to look him in the eyes. Everytime I look in them, my body became numbed. Fear rushed through my body.

He got me under his control.

Edited on Jan 10, 11:37pm

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