Discover our Kingdom

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     The music swirled in the night air, taking on a life of it's own. Ventralli's best string players had just arrived, and would soon follow up the clarinetist. The sky outside of the palace, visible through the crystalline, glass dome roofs was sparkling. The stars were out, lovely against the black canvas of darkness. The moon shone smartly, an ever-present light watching over the party.

     Ventrallans twirled around each other in the grand ballroom, and overlooking it all was King Jesse, his Queen on his right. They had smiles on beneath their masks, concealing whatever pain they might have had for the commoners. For that night, they would be happy.

     Ventrallan masks of every shade and shape possible filled the room. There were sunsets and flowers, animals and plants, masks for each kingdom in Primoria. The sight was beautiful, especially to the artistic Ventrallans. However, the foreign ambassadors were appreciating it almost just as much, such as the Summerian princess. Ceridwen was used to the raucous parties of her brother, King Simon, but the Ventrallans were more sophisticated, in a manner that was still extremely expressive. She reveled in the celebration, for it was in her honour. Her mind drifted back to Jesse, but for that night, Ceridwen put those thoughts on hold. She was determined to enjoy the night, and so as a strange, Ventrallan man came to her and asked to dance, she didn't even hesitate. The man spun her away into the night, and she had fun.

     Nearing the end of the night, festivities had spread to outside of the colourful palace. There were people dancing and jumping to their hearts' content in the many courtyards, frolicking around the glass gardens. It was a wonderful time, for everyone. The night of their lives, the king had promised the commoners, and he had not lied.

     Even the servants of the Ventrallan palace had been invited to the gala. Many of the young maids found partners to dance with in the royal guard, others took the chance to socialize with people they otherwise wouldn't have had the chance to. It was a joyous celebration, and for once, they'd been assured by the king that the clean-up would not be their responsibility. And so, the servants that would have lived a drab life went to the royal party and danced, among other things.

     The party that King Jesse threw for the kingdom ambassadors was festive, glamorous, and fun. He himself, didn't enjoy his time there, but he liked watching the others enjoy their night. 

     He particularly liked watching her red hair twist in the crowd to look back at him every few minutes. It made him smile.

A Night in VentralliWhere stories live. Discover now