One Fateful Day

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A/N: A lot of unfinished fanfics, but new ones keep piling up!! T~T I'll get back on the other one soon, just please, give me a chance!! I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. Again, no characters belong to me, but to Hima-papa, as well as the plot; that belongs to tumblr (yes, I am SO creative). :D

"I hope Mr. Roderich likes the cake," Elizabeta Hedervary giggled to herself, walking down Main Street with a large pink box. It was her roommate's birthday, and there was no way she was going to miss such an important event, along with a few embarrassing photos that can be used for blackmail in the near future. Passing by the high-end boutique shops, the Hungarian woman couldn't help but admire the frilly dresses, the fancy pieces of jewellery, and the cute pairs of heels that seem to always be displayed in the big window out front, facing the public. She longs to make something that fancy one day, but as her experience proves, that is pretty far-fetched into the future. For one, she was poor; the cake itself costed her half a year's savings. Second of all, her compatibility with crafts was pretty low. Ask any of her friends. They'll explain in crystal clear details about the embarrassing stories of baking, painting, and, more often than not, the unfortunate events that happen when she steps near a sewing machine. Apparently, if such stories ring true, she once smashed said machine in rage when it got tangled in heaps and heaps of thread. That explains the final point of her not being able to create such works. Her temper is as short as a match stick. She hates waiting, as well as relying on other machines--and people alike--to do the work for her. If anything, she likes working independently without any help, hence, the talents of creating, well, anything.

It was pretty strange, nonetheless, to see the Hungarian lady stop in front of a particular store. A newly added one, so to speak. According to word on the street, this antique store was owned by a strange man, and by strange, the locals mean that they have never met him or her, so they make up their own tales. This could range from, as Eliza would like to recall, "An old Asian man trying to rid of his things," to, "An American businessman who would like to make a quick buck or two." Yes, despite only been there for a few weeks now, some bizarre tales have been going around like a mad disease. Looking through the large window, she was pleased to see a cute vase right in the centre of the display case. It seemed to be made out of porcelain, and the navy blue design drawn on it seemed to be done with enough care and patience. Admiring the petite thing, she didn't notice a man walk out from the wooden door. "A-ah, hello.."

Gasping, she gripped the cake box's handles, fearing that she would drop such a luxury. Again, it did cost her half of her yearly savings, which meant she had to cut down on the (unhealthy) food for that time period. "H-hi." Examining the taller figure in front of her, she couldn't help but stare at the calm, but coolly composed man. By any standards, he really was handsome. Pale skin but piercing eyes, as well as that sharp jawline. If Eliza didn't know any better, she would have thought of him as a celebrity, or a prince of that sort. "Wow." 
Raising an eyebrow, he just stared at her. "...Wow...what? Admiring my awesomeness?" Laughing it off, he crossed his arms. "So...what's your name, m'lady?" 

The other stood there, paralyzed. Did she really just say that out loud just now?! Mentally calculating her options, she felt her face suddenly turn beet red. Swiftly turning on her heel, she began running off, afraid to see the, what seems to be, attractive man's reaction. Obviously he would look down on her, with her clothing choices and now, this?! Hearing footsteps trailing behind her, she quickened her pace. "Please stop following me, please stop following me," she prayed, still minding the cake in her hand. Feeling a sudden pull from behind, she felt herself spun around, now facing the man. 
"A runner, aren't you? How cute." Leaning in, his grin widened. "What I do want to know, is by what you meant just now." 
Playing it off as if she had forgotten, the brunette looked at the French cafe, hoping she could see her best friend in there. "W-what do you mean?" 
Lightly forcing her gaze to meet back to his, the unknown man kept his playful expression. "'Wow, what,' my darling? I want to know." 
Opening her mouth to say something, she was cut off by another voice. "Gilbert Beilschimdt, just what  do you think you are doing?!" 
Hastily turning around, he flashed a small smile. "Hey bro. Just meeting up with a friend, that's all." 
Crossing his arms, the blonde man sighed. "That's great and all, but you know that you can't leave the store alone." 
"Kesesese, but bruder, I'm leaving it to you. Besides, this lovely lady here was admiring me, right?" Turning to the female, he winked. "Of course, my name is Gilbert, the owner of that awesome antique store back there. What about you, my love? What is your name?"

Madly blushing, she quietly stuttered her name, before excusing herself. "I-I got to friend's birthday is today and I have the cake and--"
"I see, I see.. not wanting to hang with me, and with your friend instead. I understand. But have no fear, Elizy, we will meet again soon." Kissing the female's cheek, he walked away, laughing loudly, much to his brother's disgust. 
On the other hand, Elizabeta was stunned. What just happened in the past ten minutes? Unable to process anything, she rushed home, her heart unable to stop beating out of her chest. "Stupid me, stupid him, ugh, everything's so stupid right now!" Unlocking the door, she let herself in, making sure that no one was following her or anything. Letting out a sigh of relief, she heard noises upstairs. "Seems like Bach is here. Great... another guest for dinner, then." Placing the cake in the fridge, a piece of paper caught her eye. "What the..?" Carefully removing the slip, she read over the small card. Awesome Antique Shop
1947 Main Street 
Call me up!
Smiling to herself, she picked up the phone. 
Maybe that Gilbert needed a little lesson or two about being so attractive and using such powers wisely. 


A/N: I hope you guys liked it! It was pretty fun to write, knowing it involved Prussia and all. Did you catch the little Easter egg in the end? If you do, comment down below, and if you don't well, check out that address. That's a big hint in itself already. I'm still working on that NedCan chapter, so please, wait, all 20-30 of you (at this time, that's the amount of readers so far). I am aiming for this week for a release, but you never know! Stay cool, everyone! ^-^

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