finding out

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Tati pov

Liam get away from me i don't want to talk to you i was trying to but you ran away from me who does that i said he said i'm sorry over 100 times i want to know what was so important that he had to run away from me i wonder if they found out yet they probably can smell it on me but i hide it so well

Liam pov

why won't she talk to me i had said sorry like 100 time i know i ran away from her because i smelled her i went to go ask Scott if he smelled it to he said yea i ask him if he wants me to ask her about it and he said no i will do it and i came and sat in her room she was on her bed and told me to leave her alone because she doesn't want to talk to me so i left and i herd her sound like cry so i was about to cry so i went for a run she went on one cause we came to the same place she ran to me and hugged me " i'm sorry i was mad about earlier i didn't mean to say that " she said i was happy when she said that i wanted to stay there but then we had herd some running and we wanted to see who it is and it was the alpha pack and we was thinking the same thing we both ran they must of herd us because there were people running after us we stopped at the high school and we turned to see the twins she looked scared and then the rest of them came she look very interested on what was going on she was about to go and we heard Scott talking to stiles we hide from both of them but Scott see's us his eyes get big and and stiles ask him what wrong then he turns what are you two doing here and we tell them to shh "why are we hiding Scott asked we pointed to the alpha pack and he ask what did we do "what makes you think we did anything " tati says "well we are hiding " they start yelling they look over to where we are and me and stiles are like great they know where we are good job tati turns to look at us and me stiles run away from her and we run to the field and the alpha pack leader put his hand up because they look like they was going to kill us and he says scott why don't you tell us who this is he already know me because of some thing never to be spoken about again so he know stiles is just everywhere we all look at her and she looked at us and say " why are you'll looking at me i did nothing this is all liam's fault " she said pointing at me i said "what did i do i went for a run " aiden was looking at her with lust in his eyes so we was staring each other down and our eyes changed color i didn't care and scott and stiles and ethan so that they can snap us out of it but it didn't work then we all heard a voice it was calling tati she abovely heard it because she got up and walked toward it then stopped stiles said " you are not sposed to go toward the vioce have you seen scary movies " she said " that why i stopped you stiles " " tati come one you know whats going if you don't say anything th

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