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Everyone felt empty inside. Yes, they didn't know her well. But, someone died because of their problems. One that they could have easily fixed themselves.

Malia told her family. They looked at her in shock when her uncle started to cry, something he hadn't done in a long time. Her aunt excused herself from the room and both Colin and Malia heard her crying. But Cory took it the hardest. He started sobbing and screaming at Malia why and how it happened. He stopped eating and locked himself in his room, refusing to go to school or do anything. His girlfriend tried to cheer him up to the best of his abilities, but no luck.

Malia was of course devastated, but who wouldn't be after losing their love? Yes. Malia loved her. Both as a friend and more. Which she guesses is what being in love feels like.


Cara's eyes shot open, glowing. But not a yellow, a purple.

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