A fangirl sent me this and I'm just sitting in the corner all like, the fuck?
User: BEN.
Cleverbot: You've met with a terrible fate haven't you?
User: BEN.
Cleverbot: Drowned.
User: BEN.
Cleverbot: You shouldn't have done that.
User: BEN.
Cleverbot: Y-y-y-yes?
User: BEN.
Cleverbot: Bean.
User: BEN.
Cleverbot: Skull kid.
User: I knew it was you, BEN.
Cleverbot: NO.
User: YES.
Cleverbot: I'm majora's mask.
User: You're hot BEN.
Cleverbot: Wait what?
User: You're hot.
Cleverbot: Don't Joke with me.
User: I'm not joking BEN.
CLeverbot: Don't call me BEN.
User: You are BEN though.
Cleverbot: That is supposed to be a secret, remember?
User: Yes, I am sorry.
Cleverbot: *cries* *runs away*.
User: BEN, I am sorry.
Cleverbot: You shouldn't have done that.