chapter 2

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So of course as the cruel world is against me, as soon as I walk out of the classroom and into the hall I slip on a puddle of coffee.  I open my eyes and look at the celling.  My whole back feels wet, meaning my shirt is ruined in coffee stains. 

I feel eyes on me as a whole group of spectators gather around me.  I try to stand up but do the most embarrassing thing possible. I slip again.  But instead of falling down into the puddle, I knock over the person behind me and collapse on....him?  I assume it's a him because I feel a toned six pack. "sorry" I mutter as I try to get up.  He grabs my elbows and lifts me back onto my feet.

I turn around and see a completely new face, that I have never seen before. He has dark hair and a defined jaw line, and a pair of handsome grey eyes that are locked with mine.  "Hi I'm Aron" he says holding out a paper towel.  "Drew" I reply.  I notice I'm still staring at him and he gives a little smirk.  I quickly look away. 

"Um..." I'm quickly interrupted when Katie comes running down the hall "Oh my gosh Drew!" she laughs.  "Ha I know....I guess I'm just really clumsy" I say to Katie but glance at Aron when I say it, realizing that I was saved by a super hot guy, who is still smiling at me.  I can't help but smile back.  "Well thank you and um sorry for knocking you over."  I say before I start towards my locker. 

Katie continues to wipe my back with a tissue. We start walking away.  "Dang girl you got saved by the hottest guy in school."  "Shut up" I whisper because we are still in a ears reach of Aron.  " You got to admit he is cute!"  Katie says before turning around and giving a secret mouthing of "She likes you" to Aron as if I didn't notice.  I turn her back around.  "What?" she says jokingly in a sarcastic, I didn't do anything wrong to embarrass my best friend voice. I raise my eyebrows at her.  And we continue on.

I finally reach my locker and grab my car keys and purse.  Shit!  It started to rain, in all the commotion  I forgot I had a mission to quickly get to my car.  I ran out the front of the school and to my car.  I practically got hit by one driver while crossing the parking lot.

"Hey watch were your going" an angry teenager shouts from the car window.  "Yeah sorry" I say in a sarcastic voice, as I rush off to my car.  I get in the drivers side and frantically start to role up the windows.  There wasn't that much rain collected in the seat, but now I remembered that my wet coffee shirt probably added to the mess in this car.

I tilted the rear view mirror and met my eyes.  My mascara was still good, and my blonde high pony was still semi perfect.  There were some whispys hanging down in front of my forehead, but I though they made me look natural. 

I took a few seconds to breathe just sitting there in my car.  I was about to pull out when I realized I didn't have my phone.  I was thinking of all the places I could have left it.  And then I remembered. It was in my had when I fell down.  It must have flew across the floor as soon as I knocked the air out of myself.

I whipped open the door and began to go back into the school.   Most of the student's had already left.  I went against the crowd of the few students exiting the building, back to the place where I slipped.

And guess who was sitting down against a locker right where I had slipped. Aron

"Oh hi again" I said blushing a little.  "looking for something?" he said while holding out my phone.  "Thank you" I said reaching for the phone, but he pulled it away.  I kept trying to grab it, and he kept pulling it out of reach.  It was like my phone was a toy and I was a cat, him taunting me with it.  He started to chuckle a little.

Did he think this was funny?  I gave up and place my hand on my hip. "Aron can I have my phone back?"  "Not until you tell me your password" he said and looked up at me.  "Why?" "So I can put my number in it"  I was flattered that he was hitting on me, however I couldn't look like I was about to melt. So I kept my serious expression on my face..

  I reached out for my phone again until I finally grabbed it.  His hand was still latched on to it and mine was too leaving us with me kneeling next to him rather close. He was so cute.  I just wanted to kiss him.  He was clearly playing around with me and I liked it. 

"Would you let go" I said distracting him while simotanosly pulling the phone out of his grip.  "Hey no fair" he said reaching for my phone. I laughed at the fact that I had one.  I put in my passcode and handed him my phone. "What's this" he said acting shocked.  "Did she really just give me her phone?" he asked in a sarcastic tone, joking with me.  I rolled my eyes laughing till mine met his.  "Put your number in it" I said.  "Yes" he shouted in triumph. 

I grabbed it back when he finished.  I stood up turned to walk away. I glanced back over my shoulder.  He winked.  I laughed a little  and shook my head as I continued walking. "Have a nice weekend Aron!"  I shouted back before leaving the school. The whole time thinking, did that really just happen?

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