Chapter 6- A New Friend

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Hello everyone! So this is the story I chose to work the most on, so I hope you'll enjoy it and help the story along with your comments :). Anyways I don't know if I spelled Hermione right, I could just look it up back...I'm too lazy, so if I didn't just tell me down below. Okay? Okay. Love y'all!


Sitting in his next class, History with hufflepuffs, Icies opened his present to find a black silk ribbon with a small silver bell hanging in the middle. Icies lifted the ribbon causing the bell to let out a soft low ring, Icies knew what it was. An enchanted bell that when rings allows the wearer, if the wearer is an empath like Icices, to send out emotions to those around.

Smiling softly, Icies wrapped his tail to his front and tied the ribbon onto the end of his tail. Pulling back and moving his tail, sending out joy, he smiled happily. Others around him looked at him but didn't comment, the hufflepuffs didn't really care and the ravenclaws quickly figured out what the bell was. Soon the boring class ended and Icies was on his way to the great hall for dinner. He walked softly and within the castle's shadows, the only sound being the low elegant ring of the bell. Soon he was infront of the doors but for some reason he didn't enter.

Icies leaned to the left and that's when he heard it, the soft female cries echoing off the walls. Icies walked quietly and softly towards the cries. After turning into a few corridors he found the source. It was the bushy haired girl he faintly remembers as the girl from earlier today. The girl didn't seem to notice him yet, she was sobbing into her hands covering her vision.

Icies didn't want to scared the girl so he softly kneeled down in front of her. He didn't speak, he personally knew that words are not needed in a time like this. Slowly and gently he wrapped his arms around the girl, who flintched and snapped her head up. Tears clouding her vision, she reconignized Icies and hesitating, allowed her body to fall into his chest. Loosing balance and falling backwards, he allowed the girl to fall ontop of him and bury her head into his chest. Holding her securely in his arms, he gave the silent statement that he will be here for her.

It took twenty minutes until the girl took ahold of herself, getting off of Icies blushing from embarassment, she sat up. Icies also sat up but kept his hands on her shoulders, "Are you okay now?"

The girl looked away from his soft gaze, "Y-yes...thank y-you." She was obvoiusly embarassed by her breakdown.

Icies shook his head lightly as the girl looked up at him through her bangs, "Everyone needs to allows their feelings out, or else it will kill them slowly inside." The girl nodded and Icies stood up, offering his hand to the girl. The girl grasped his hand and stood up shakily at first before finding her balance.

Expecting Icies to let go, she squeaked in surprised when he did not, instead he started leading her to the great hall. Softly pulling her along, he decided to introduce himself, "I'm Icies Black but my friends call me Ice." Looking back, he smiled at the girl before tugging her to fall in step with him.

The girl tightened her grip on his hand before softening it again, "H-hermione Granger." They fell into comfortable silence after that, Icies thinking and the girl was recovering from her recent break-down just a few minutes ago. Soon they were infront of the doors.

Icies turned his gaze on Hermione, "Will you be alright now?"

Hermione blushed again, "Yes..I think I will be, thank you."

Icies gave a soft smile and squeezed her hand softly, "I'll be here anytime you need a friend."

Hermione jumped and looked at Icies surprised, "F-f-friend?!"

Icies nodded, "Yes, I think your a wonderful girl, smart in class as well. it will be a pleasure to be your friend." Icies was surprised, he usually doesn't normally be this confident but seeing Hermione in pain reminded him of his own past and he couldn't just let it go, he wanted to help her.

Hermione pulled her hand away and gave him a bright smile. Giving a soft peck on icies cheek, Hermione turned to the doors, opening them to step inside. Before she did she turned back to Icies, "Thank you, for everything, Ice." Rushing in, Hermione smiled in joy as she sat down at the gryffindors table, ignoring all the strange looks she was receiving.

Icies shook his head softly before entering himself and joining his slytherins friends. Settling in Greg's lap, he smiled at the greetings before eating the grapes on Greg's plate, enjoying his time with his friends.

Icies Black- A living Miracle (Rewrite in Progress!)Where stories live. Discover now