Chapter 1

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Jamila Mitchell
May 2016
Miami, Florida

"Give me the regular Aaliyah."

"Tequila on the rocks coming up."

I nodded my head to the music. The vibe is always good in here. I've been working at Club Mix for about 4 years now. I opened it fresh out of college and midway blind to the business. My success with it is often unbearable but I'm blessed to have it. I couldn't ever imagine leaving this place, it's my home. Aaliyah handed me my drink and I sipped on it, while swaying my hips to the beat.

"I've never seen you around here, new to this?"
I turned around and looked up at this sexy ass man. I immediately found interest in him but I'm not looking for anything right now, not even a friend.

"No, I do this all the time." I said as I turned back around quickly. He sat next to me and ordered himself a drink.

"Which part, throwing the money or sitting at the bar thinking about life ?"


"I come here quite often and I've never seen a woman more beautiful than you." Okay, now this guy is being a creep.

"Maybe because it's closing time."

"I think the owner should let the club stay open until 6 in the morning." He said downing his drink. "I'd never leave" he waved his hand, ushering for Aaliyah to bring him another drink. She looked at me for confirmation since it's time to go home. I nodded looking at the man sitting beside me.

"Your wife wouldn't mind you staying til 6 ?"

"I don't care if she minds, she doesn't even love me." he scoffed, pausing for a moment. "You know, about 5 years ago I caught her in bed with my bestfriend. Ever since then I've been coming here looking to find a woman to get back at her. I just can't though, I love her too much." He downed the second drink. "You gon finish that ?" He asked referring to my drink.
I slid it over to him and he took that straight to the head as well. "I guess I better get going."
He said rising from the seat almost falling.

"You seem a little buzzed, do you need a ride home ?"

"I don't want to hold you, I mean it is late."

"It's fine. Aaliyah !"

"Not tonight, I have things to do." I sighed, turning back to him.

"Let me get my purse"

"Are you sure this isn't a problem ?"

"Positive" I said. I made my way to the back of the club. Once I retrieved my things I made sure I locked my office door and the front door setting the alarm. I looked across the parking lot to see him standing at my car.

"My cousin Zakari stays closer, he said he wouldn't mind me staying at his place."

"Great" I hit the locks on the door, got in, and pulled off.

"He stays right down the street."


"You know, I may be a little drunk but I'm a pretty smart man. I've never known a woman to own a strip club." I chuckled

"You'd be amazed ....."


"Well Jared, I've heard that a lot."

"What's your name ?"


"Turn left" he said pointing. We turned into a neighborhood that held nothing but big beautiful houses.

"Do you have any kids Jamila ?"

"No, kids are buttholes some times." He laughed

"I agree" I turned in the driveway he directed me to.

"I appreciate this a lot Jamila."

"It was no problem" The front door to the house opened and I'm guessing Zakari appeared at the door. He walked over helping Jared out of the car and into the house. I waited to make sure they got in the house safely. Just as I was about to pull off Zakari came running back out.

"He left his wallet in here ?"

"I'm not sure, you're free to look."

"Thanks, oh I'm Zakari by the way." He said shaking my hand and opening the passenger side door.

"Jamila" he looked all around the car for the wallet but I'm guessing he didn't see it.

"You didn't steal it, did you ?"

"No, why would I steal his wallet."

"It makes perfect sense. A beautiful woman like
yourself wouldn't just give a drunken man a ride without wanting something."

"I make more than enough money, I don't have to steal nor want for anything. I did not steal his wallet, he was drunk and I did not want him driving when he could barely stand. He probably dropped it on the side of the seat."
I said with a sly attitude. He absolutely just disrespected me and that's something I don't tolerate. I watched him as he checked the side of the seat and he pulled out the wallet.

"I apologize for accusing you, I wasn't trying to be disrespectful."

"Well you definitely were indeed disrespectful."

"Those weren't my intentions but thank you for dropping him off safely."

"Yea whatever"

"Have a goodnight Jamila." He winked closing the door. I rolled my eyes. Men these days.


Boring first Chapter but there is indeed more to come.

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Tayee 🐞

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