Chapter 2

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Niall's POV

The news was creating a nice background noise as I worked on making dinner for my family. Ezra was sitting on one of the stools in the kitchen that was next to the tall counter top as he did some of his homework. Ethan was somewhere doing whatever he needed to in order to get his energy out for the rest of the night. I looked over at Ezra and saw him concentrating on his math homework. Just looking at him made me feel so proud that he was my son.

He was so much like Zayn in so many ways. He was more to himself at times and seemed to have an incredible protective streek in him over all of us. In a way, it scared me because I saw the lengths Zayn went through to protect us and I didn't want to see my son go there either. There's times when he's talking to me about something that happened at school that I see his blue eyes light up the way Zayn's do. I see his passion fill his body just like his father and it makes me love them so much more. The few things that Ezra isn't like Zayn is that he enjoys school. He loves reading and writing, but mostly he loves math. I think that was the strangest trait our son could have gotten, but Zayn said that his grandmother enjoyed numbers when she was alive so I figured that's where he gets it from.

"Dad, I need help with this question. It doesn't make sense to me." Ezra said quietly. I turned off the stove and went over to see what he needed help with. It was his science homework and that's the one subject he struggles in. Whereas Ethan excels in that subject. My boys couldn't be more different, but in some ways it helps them get along so much better.

"The question is asking about the natural energy, but I don't know what that is." He told me. I flipped through his book until I found the definition and pointed it out to him. He read over it before leaning his head against my shoulder. I kissed his head and wrapped an arm around his skinny self.

"Can I answer this question after dinner? I don't want to do anymore homework." He said. I rubbed his should then went to write on the whiteboard we have on the refrigerator things that we all need to remember to do. Under Ezra's name I wrote that he had to finish his homework. He seemed happy about that and got up to see what I needed help with to finish the meal.

It was just some steamed green vegetables that were mixed into crunchy lettuce and some chicken to go on top of it. Because of Zayn always needing to stay in the same shape for training even if he doesn't fight anymore, he still needs to eat incredibly healthy. I don't mind because it helps the rest of us eat very healthy. All Ezra was helping me with was mixing the salad up. I kissed Ezra's head again before walking out of the kitchen to go look for Ethan.

I walked out to the backyard and stood there as I watched him kick about his football and try to do some cool tricks with it. I just watched him and smiled when he fell right on his back, but he popped right back up to go run after his ball. He's definitely the spoiled baby in this house. All of us can't get enough of how funny he is and how outgoing he is. My parents tell me that I used to be the same way, but I really doubt that. I think what I love the most about my youngest son is the fact that you can literally feel and see the innocence and carefree emotions and actions that come with being a child. I pray everyday he never looses that because all of us need a little reminder that growing up isn't always the goal in life.

"Ethan, baby, I need you to set the table before Baba gets home. Come on inside now." I said when I saw he seemed to be at a stopping point from playing. He kicked the ball on more time before running over to me. I picked him up and carried him as much as I could into the house before I set him down and let him run off to where I  was hoping was the kitchen so he would do what I took him he needed to do. I went back to the kitchen and saw he was in fact doing the right thing which made me feel like I had made a breakthrough with my stubborn son.

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