Carson- Coffee and donuts

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After me and cal ordered , we found the least dirtiest table in the room that wasnt take in and sat down. So whats up ? I asked cal . I got a date with Nikki Kable on Saturday ! Cal burst out . Cool man . I said trying to remember who Nikki was . A yes she was the caption of the girls soccer team , and was also very pretty . Im so happy for you ! I exclaimed as i looked at my friends blushed out face . Thanks . Cal said after five long seconds of silence. Just then i got a text from sara :
My messages
Sara: meet me in half an hour . And being lots of toilet paper !😈

Carson : at your place ? And why the TP?

Sara : yes come pick me up in half an hour
Sara: and you will see 💁🏼😈😘

Sorry i have to go man ! I said getting up out of my chair . Its ok said cal . I will see you at school on Monday ! See you then ! I said making making my way to the door .
Current mood : 🤔❓

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