Day 02

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Day 02

Perrie obviously wakes up earlier than I did. She was checking out the whole place Edwards bounced on my bed until I fell and woke up. After that, she encouraged me to explore the 325sqm room. I agreed because it was 4am in the morning and there was absolutely nothing else interesting to do.

We looked at

The door

The lock

The shoe rack

The coat rack

The hat rack

The welcome rug

The sofa (we kinda messed it up a little)

The coffee table

The magazine table with no magazines

The 2-channel tv channel list (CNN & The weather channel and the camp channel if that counts)

The TV with 2.5 channels

The sink

The toilet

The shower cubicle

The refrigerator with Perrie's high-end dinner

The freezer with a tub of Ben and Jerry's in it (from me)

The kitchen sink

The oven

The stove

Th kitchen cabinet with canned goods and other semi-perishable and non-perishable food (those are quite popular her in the States)

The utensil drawer (there were thousands of spoons but only 3 forks)

The dining table

All the dining chairs

The safe

The snack bar (with candy and chips)

All two bedrooms, the bathroom

And yeah, the bed,duh?

Just kidding, no snack bar :)

After our little adventure, it was already 6am. So I went to freshen up and changed into the camp shirt and khakis and a pair of trainers. I put my hair in a neat ponytail and listened to Perrie's rad voice in the shower.

Then she started singing a little off-key so I just stared at our window. I saw shadows in the room across. Liam's room. The guy walking in the opposite direction as the girl follows him around. Hmmph...Megan.

Perrie's done by 7am sharp, then we head over to the canteen for breakfast.

After breakfast, we have our morning assembly. Liam sits with Megan. I with Perrie. Zayin with whoever he was with and the rest of the three are roommates so they stick together.

We were given a tour of the camp and the facilities before lunch. Then after lunch at the canteen, we had survival swimming. Megan rocked in her tankini. while I stayed true to myself by wearing the camp swimsuit with Perrie. The guys wore the uniform except James Paltroot, the male cliché. Who is absolutely a clone of Megan.

At the shower room, Megan was walking around naked. She's too confident, seriously. She ended up being my shower buddy, so I got pretty disturbed with the way her breasts and hips took to much space. She even sprinkled some shampoo in my face now and then. Her shampoo smelled and tasted like seducing liquor. Ghaauwk!

Next activity before we had dinner was track and field. I'm pretty fast and I outran some of the boys including James who took to much water breaks. I caught up to Liam who was in the lead. Once he saw me, he was determined to go faster, and he did. I sped up too. Then all of a sudden, Megan pops up from the sides of the field, cheating. Her chest rising and lowering, trying to catch up on her pace. I won the race and won a medal. It was Megan's annoying presence that made me go faster.

We had dinner served in our rooms. Roast beef and potatoes. Yum!

My other five guy friends, stayed in Perrie's and my room. We watched chick-lits and Zayn cried. After dinner and the movie, we chatted for around five, and went our separate ways.

I washed up and leaped in bed after a long, tiring day.



Hep hep, HOORAY! I updated! Give me comments and rates and shares please and also read it okay? Luv u all!

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