Teaser #1

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I looked through the bars. I had heard footsteps and voices before noticing a large figure in front of my cage. I made eye contact with curious sapphire blue eyes. The male alpha had crouched down to see me better. He gave me a warm smile but I just frowned in response. The nice ones are always full of malice.

"Hello there." The man said. His voice was loud and cheery. It seemed odd that a man like this was in a place like this. His neatly pressed suit fit him perfectly and his blue tie made his eyes stand out. I couldn't believe myself. Why was I thinking about someone like him like that? I retract further back into the dark corner of my cage. The alpha stands up and I can only listen to what he says.

"How much is he?" I know it's the blonde alpha that's talking.

"$500." My owner's gruff voice wafts into my ears. I instinctively bristle at his voice.

"Deal." My new alpha says. I blink in surprise. When my omega companions were bought their new owners would try and barter down the price. This alpha must have some money on him. I heard the hinges of my cage door open and a large alpha roughly grabbed me. I allow myself to be pulled out the door and shoved into a smaller cage. Two alphas pick up my new cage and place me in the back of a truck. They pull down the door and I'm left in complete darkness. I curl up and get some rest; who knows when I'd get some peace and quiet like this ever again.

"Hey there buddy." I'm brought out of a restless sleep by the sound of a masculine voice. I notice my new alpha sitting on the couch in front of me. I avoid looking into his eyes; most alphas disliked that and saw it as a challenge of authority. I don't know why they thought that but that's what some of them thought.

"Do you want to get out of the cage?" He asks and I think over the idea before nodding. The alpha crouches down and unlocks the door before going back to his seat. I slowly push open the door and crawl out. I stretch out and take a seat on the floor.

"I'm Alfred, Alfred F. Jones." Alfred says. I nod showing that I had heard. Alfred stands and I bow my head instantly. When Alfred returns some clothes are placed gently into my lap. I quickly slip them on before frowning. Of course they would be some of the alpha's clothes.

"You don't like them?" Alfred asks.

"No I like them. Thank you." I saw concealing my annoyance.

"He can talk." Alfred says as he stands causing me to hold back an eye roll. I just nod instead. Alfred stands and walks out of the room. He returns with a sandwich and places it in front of me.

"Go on, eat up." Alfred says. I start eating instantly. It tasted delicious and I couldn't help but scoff down the food. Once I was done Alfred picked up my plate and placed a large hand on my head.

"This is your room, you are free to go anywhere and touch anything in this room. I'll leave you alone for a bit so you can settle in." Alfred leaves the room and I hear the telltale click of a lock. I stand instantly and start looking around. I noticed a picture over the electric fireplace. It was a large picture of a vase with a bunch of red roses in it. It was a nice painting. I move around and look at the large plush bed I was given. There were no doors anywhere so I couldn't close a door and keep Alfred out. This alpha was smarter then he looked. One wall in my bedroom was red rose wallpaper. The other walls were just a deep red. I continue walking through my designated area and stop by a window. It was barricaded with bars of course but I was able to open the window up. I open it up and let the stale New York air waft through my room. I breathe out a sigh and move back to where my cage was. I take a seat on the blindingly white couch. It was a soft leather. I run a hand through my greasy blonde hair. I think about going to have a shower and decide to give it a go. I couldn't help the little smile that spread across my face when I notice a sticky note on the shower door. It gave instructions on how to use the shower.

"So Arthur, what do you think of the place?" Alfred asks me. I was sat opposite him at a little table in my room.

"It's very nice and I really like it." I say. It felt great to have a long warm shower. Alfred smiles. He sighs when his phone starts ringing. He answers it across from me and he instantly frowns. After a few harsh words and a growl or two Alfred hung up and stood up with a grunt.

"I'll have to cut this short, if you have any problems press that button. My younger brothers are staying with me. Matthew should come to your aid and if he doesn't Michael will. Oh and don't worry Mattie's an omega." Alfred says and quickly leaves locking the door behind him. I look over at the button and sigh. I wonder what Matthew and Michael are like. I stand up and push my chair in before looking at the time. I decide to just go to bed. Alfred most likely wouldn't be back to visit me and he would probably get angry with me if I pressed the button for no reason. Well I would like to meet Matthew but Alfred probably wouldn't see that as a good enough reason. I slip into the large bed and close my eyes feeling my body practically shut down as I went to sleep.

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