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P.O.V Alice

I am going to die, I am going to die, I am going to die , I am going to die, I am going to die.


''I got you Alice I am not going to let you fall of this cliff, I cant those my best friend I am going to pull ok''i said in a very scared voice ''ok'' she said back.'' on a count of three I am going to pull you up ready 1 2 3 pull. I pulled Alice up safely  I was super scared I didn't want  her to fall. I gave Alice a huge hug 💖💘 ''are  you ok Alice'' I  said in happy voice ''yeah'' she said back to me.''im  just glad your ok " I said while giving Alice another big huge.
P.O.V Alice
I almost died and a lot of people just walked bye. Wait a minute how did these people get here."How did these people get here''😐 I said to Rily  "I honesty don't know'' she said. Rily and I made a plan. This is what we came up with. But I think this idea is terrible but I said it was a good idea. I don't  why I keep saying its a good idea when's it's not

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