chapter 7 blackout

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I see a bolt of electricity zooming towards me. "Shit!" I brace myself for impact instead I'm jerked to the side and fall on my side.

"I'm blackout! I shall steal all light!" He says causing lightning to strike behind him.

"Are you stupid or something? It's the middle of the day!" I ask.

"Talkative one, aren't you?" He asks.

"Na, I'm just sarcastic and state the obvious." I say.

"Shhhhhhh!" Ladybug shushes me from behind a chimney.

"I wonder, how much energy is in that Miraculous of yours?" He licks his lips. A butterfly mask appears on his face. "Maybe, if you told me you wanted hers too I would have already taken it!" He yells at the ground.

"So, um. Your crazy. Bye!" I jump off the building. I catch myself with the laso.

"Where did she go?" I hear him ask.

I giggle as I sit on a widow sill.

"Where are you!?!" He asks setting the building on fire.

"Shit!" I dive into the building and help people or of burning rooms.

Adrein's pov

"Y/n!" I yell as I see the bolt coming towards her. Then I see ladybug pull her down. "Fewf." I say pretending to wipe sweat off my forehead.

Her phone starts working so I start filming. 'ugh! I wish I could hear what they were saying!' I think starring at the fight.

'why did she just jump off the building!?!' I think a little panicked.

Then a lighting bolt hits the building making it burst to flames. I watch as the bumblebee climbs into the burning building.

Y/n pov

I dodge burning beams. I'm carrying a couple kids with a few teens following right behind me. "Keep breathing in the wet cloth, it will help keep the smoke out of your lungs." I say to the kids. Even though I have no idea what to do.

Finally Ladybug and I get everyone to safety. "Where is chat?" Ladybug asks.

"He can't fight, antibug's spear hurt both him and his kwami." I reply while looking for blackout.

"Let's hope he gets better soon. There he is!" She points to the effile tower.

"Let's go get him!" We swing away on our yo-yo and laso.

"I'll distract him, you get his akuma." I say turning my laso into a bow.

"Sounds like a plan." She swings up higher on the effile tower.

"Where are you?" I ask aiming my bow.

"Are you looking for me?" He asks.

"Yes." I turn around and shoot him in the stomach.

"Wow." He says as his body starts spinning and his eyes go in and out of focus. He falls down asleep.

Ladybug swings down. "I lost him." She looks at his sleeping body. "And you found him."

"Yep, so what has the akuma?" I ask.

"I think it's in his watch." She says pointing to his broken watch.

I grab it. "Can I break it this time?" I ask like a little kid.

"Go ahead?" She gets her yo-yo ready to purify it.

I throw it in the air and shoot it, it explodes into a bunch of little pieces. The akuma falls towards the ground.

Ladybug catches it with her yo-yo. "Bye bye little butterfly."

"Did you use lucky charm?"

"No. I'm not sure how I'm gonna fix everything."

"Turn on the purifier and throw your yo-yo in the air?"

"That might work." She tries it, it fixes all the damage.

"Bye, I've gotta a cat to take care of." I say.

"Like chat noir or a real cat?"

"Chat noir. I would tell you to come, but in not sure if he wants you knowing his identity." I say.

"I've gotta help my parents at the b, my house."

"I'm guessing you don't either." I chuckle.

"Bye!" She swings away.

'why is she going in the direction my house?' I think.

I swing to my house, almost following ladybug exactly. I land on my roof when she lands on Mariette's roof. She looks around, I duck so she won't see me.

"Tiki, spots off." I watch as she detransforms.

"Oh my god, marinette is ladybug." I whisper to myself.

I hop on my bed to tell adrein, but decide against it. If she wanted chat to know, she would've told him earlier.

I look over and see Adrein with his shirt off, he's trying to wrap a new bandage on his shoulder. "Need some help?" I ask walking over to him.

"Yes, I can't figure out how to wrap it." He says.

"We should, I mean you should take a shower and clean it." I say slightly blushing my mistake.

"I think it would be a little weird if we took a shower together." He says.

"Just a little? Do you want me to go get you a change of clothes from your house?"

"If you want to. My balcony door is unlocked."

"Ok. Towels are in the top cabinet." I go on the roof and swing over to Adrein's house.

I open the doors and actually look at his room, it's huge! He even has his own library! I find his closet I grab a couple shirts, shorts, and pairs of socks.

I decide to walk through his house, it's empty. No one is in it.

I go in the kitchen and grab some cheeses. I look at a clock and relize I've only been gone 5 minutes, so I decide to continue exploring the house.

Then I find 2 of the same portraits, both of I believe his mom. I look at the one down stairs. "He looks just like her." I say to the portrait. Then I notice something weird about the portrait, it's slightly pushed away from the wall.

Curiosity takes over me, luckily I'm not a cat. I look at it. Opening it, I see a safe. "Stripes off."

"Why are exploring the Agrest mansion?" She asks.

"Do you know how to open this?"

"Fine." She flies into the wall unlocking it. "Y/n! This is master fu's lost peacock Miraculous! We have to bring it to him."

"Why would Adrein have 2 miraculouses and not use both of them?"

"He might not know about it."

"That makes sense. Maybe we should get back to adrein."

"Did you get everything?"

"Clothes, cheese, and that Miraculous. So yes."

"What type of clothes?" She asks putting her hands on her hips.

"Socks, shorts, and shirts."

"Your missing something."

"Under wear." I grab the pin and run upstairs. I grab a few pairs. "Stripes on." I jump out the window while I'm transforming.

I swing over to my house and detransform. When I get inside I see Adrein coming out of the bathroom with only towels on. One is on his hair and the other is wrapped around his waist. "Thanks. You wanna wrap the bandage now?"

"Sh.. sure." I say looking at the towel.

"Maybe I should get dressed first." He grabs the clothes and goes to the bathroom.

"he's hot!" I whisper to myself, not knowing plagg heard me.

Cat Fight (Chat Noir/ Adrein X Fem Reader) (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now