Chapter 8

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---Warning Super Short Chapter---

Eris Cordova

I look jumper that cover my body from my head to my feet. Concealed within some of the cargo pockets were a gun and a knife in the other. Aiden and Isaac were with me adjusting their navy jumpers and weapons. The janitor outfits were adorned with numbers on the upper right of the uniform. Mine read "2170993." I quickly quickly committed it to memory knowing that repeating the numbers over and over would be rather soothing. I always used number sequences to help focus and calm me during a test at school. This mission was all this was, just a mere test, and if done carefully and precisely , I would succeed with flying colors. I take in a deep breath, hold it for three seconds, and then release it through my mouth.

I turn to the guys behind me and see through their "macho" persona and saw that they were nervous to. "Guys, we gotta go now," I said evenly. Taking the lead, I go down to the floor that has an elevator on it. The guys quickly follow behind me. I look at Aiden and nod my head to elevator and Aiden takes out a small device which hacks into the main frame and disable the security cameras and then he can control all of the doors. We all take a deep breath and zoom up to our last mission. Please don't screw up I think to myself.


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