Troy siven💦 and coner fanta💦 decided thae wantd 2 dew tha frickle frackle🍆💦 thae both got strippy strippd™ 😫 Troy started 2 tuch coners wiener🍆 butt Coner did knot lyk that😡 so he pushd🙌 troy on2 his bak and startd 2 pownd in2 him👊 withowt warning🚫 or perpairing. Troy mownd "Coner" 😫💯👌 and thae both came 🍆💦 tha wite stuff wuz evrywair💦💦💦 thay cleend up and then got in the shower🛁🚿 4 rownd 2️⃣